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Machine Learning and SciVis Applications
Loss-contribution-based in situ Visualization for Neural Network Training
VATUN: Visual Analytics for Testing and Understanding Convolutional Neural Networks
RoomCanvas: A Visualization System for Spatiotemporal Temperature Data in Smart Homes
SailVis: Reconstruction and Multifaceted Visualization of Sail Shape
RISSAD: Rule-based Interactive Semi-Supervised Anomaly Detection
Scientific Visualization
Analytic Ray Splitting for Controlled Precision DVR
Visual Analysis of the Relation Between Stiffness Tensor and the Cauchy-Green Tensor
Visualization of Uncertain Multivariate Data via Feature Confidence Level-Sets
Integration-Aware Vector Field Super Resolution
Selection of Optimal Salient Time Steps by Non-negative Tucker Tensor Decomposition
Analytics and Applications
VisMiFlow: Visual Analytics to Support Citizen Migration Understanding Over Time and Space
DanceMoves: A Visual Analytics Tool for Dance Movement Analysis
Graceful Degradation for Real-time Visualization of Streaming Geospatial Data
Evaluating Interactive Comparison Techniques in a Multiclass Density Map for Visual Crime
Discussion Flows: An Interactive Visualization for Analyzing Engagement in Multi-Party
Information Visualization
TaskVis: Task-oriented Visualization Recommendation
Toward an Interactive Voronoi Treemap for Manual Arrangement and Grouping
A Multilevel Approach for Event-Based Dynamic Graph Drawing
Selective Angular Brushing of Parallel Coordinate Plots
Algorithmic Improvements on Hilbert and Moore Treemaps for Visualization of Large
Tree-structured Datasets
BibTeX (EuroVisShort2021)
@inproceedings{10.2312:evs.20211046,booktitle = {EuroVis 2021 - Short Papers},editor = {Agus, Marco and Garth, Christoph and Kerren, Andreas}, title = {{Loss-contribution-based in situ Visualization for Neural Network Training}},author = {Lee, Teng-Yok}, year = {2021},publisher = {The Eurographics Association},ISBN = {978-3-03868-143-4},DOI = {10.2312/evs.20211046}}
@inproceedings{10.2312:evs.20211047,booktitle = {EuroVis 2021 - Short Papers},editor = {Agus, Marco and Garth, Christoph and Kerren, Andreas}, title = {{VATUN: Visual Analytics for Testing and Understanding Convolutional Neural Networks}},author = {Park, CheonbokandYang, SoyoungandNa, InyoupandChung, SunghyoandShin, SungbokandKwon, Bum ChulandPark, DeokgunandChoo, Jaegul}, year = {2021},publisher = {The Eurographics Association},ISBN = {978-3-03868-143-4},DOI = {10.2312/evs.20211047}}
@inproceedings{10.2312:evs.20211048,booktitle = {EuroVis 2021 - Short Papers},editor = {Agus, Marco and Garth, Christoph and Kerren, Andreas}, title = {{RoomCanvas: A Visualization System for Spatiotemporal Temperature Data in Smart Homes}},author = {König, BastianandLimberger, DanielandKlimke, JanandHagedorn, BenjaminandDöllner, Jürgen}, year = {2021},publisher = {The Eurographics Association},ISBN = {978-3-03868-143-4},DOI = {10.2312/evs.20211048}}
@inproceedings{10.2312:evs.20211049,booktitle = {EuroVis 2021 - Short Papers},editor = {Agus, Marco and Garth, Christoph and Kerren, Andreas}, title = {{SailVis: Reconstruction and Multifaceted Visualization of Sail Shape}},author = {Mu, DanfengandPieras, MarcosandBroekens, DouweandMarroquim, Ricardo}, year = {2021},publisher = {The Eurographics Association},ISBN = {978-3-03868-143-4},DOI = {10.2312/evs.20211049}}
@inproceedings{10.2312:evs.20211050,booktitle = {EuroVis 2021 - Short Papers},editor = {Agus, Marco and Garth, Christoph and Kerren, Andreas}, title = {{RISSAD: Rule-based Interactive Semi-Supervised Anomaly Detection}},author = {Deng, JiahaoandBrown, Eli T.}, year = {2021},publisher = {The Eurographics Association},ISBN = {978-3-03868-143-4},DOI = {10.2312/evs.20211050}}
@inproceedings{10.2312:evs.20211051,booktitle = {EuroVis 2021 - Short Papers},editor = {Agus, Marco and Garth, Christoph and Kerren, Andreas}, title = {{Analytic Ray Splitting for Controlled Precision DVR}},author = {Weiss, SebastianandWestermann, Rüdiger}, year = {2021},publisher = {The Eurographics Association},ISBN = {978-3-03868-143-4},DOI = {10.2312/evs.20211051}}
@inproceedings{10.2312:evs.20211052,booktitle = {EuroVis 2021 - Short Papers},editor = {Agus, Marco and Garth, Christoph and Kerren, Andreas}, title = {{Visual Analysis of the Relation Between Stiffness Tensor and the Cauchy-Green Tensor}},author = {Blecha, ChristianandHergl, ChiaraandNagel, ThomasandScheuermann, Gerik}, year = {2021},publisher = {The Eurographics Association},ISBN = {978-3-03868-143-4},DOI = {10.2312/evs.20211052}}
@inproceedings{10.2312:evs.20211053,booktitle = {EuroVis 2021 - Short Papers},editor = {Agus, Marco and Garth, Christoph and Kerren, Andreas}, title = {{Visualization of Uncertain Multivariate Data via Feature Confidence Level-Sets}},author = {Sane, SudhanshuandAthawale, Tushar M.andJohnson, Chris R.}, year = {2021},publisher = {The Eurographics Association},ISBN = {978-3-03868-143-4},DOI = {10.2312/evs.20211053}}
@inproceedings{10.2312:evs.20211054,booktitle = {EuroVis 2021 - Short Papers},editor = {Agus, Marco and Garth, Christoph and Kerren, Andreas}, title = {{Integration-Aware Vector Field Super Resolution}},author = {Sahoo, SarojandBerger, Matthew}, year = {2021},publisher = {The Eurographics Association},ISBN = {978-3-03868-143-4},DOI = {10.2312/evs.20211054}}
@inproceedings{10.2312:evs.20211055,booktitle = {EuroVis 2021 - Short Papers},editor = {Agus, Marco and Garth, Christoph and Kerren, Andreas}, title = {{Selection of Optimal Salient Time Steps by Non-negative Tucker Tensor Decomposition}},author = {Pulido, JesusandPatchett, JohnandBhattarai, ManishandAlexandrov, BoianandAhrens, James}, year = {2021},publisher = {The Eurographics Association},ISBN = {978-3-03868-143-4},DOI = {10.2312/evs.20211055}}
@inproceedings{10.2312:evs.20211056,booktitle = {EuroVis 2021 - Short Papers},editor = {Agus, Marco and Garth, Christoph and Kerren, Andreas}, title = {{VisMiFlow: Visual Analytics to Support Citizen Migration Understanding Over Time and Space}},author = {Scheidl, AndreasandLeite, Roger A.andMiksch, Silvia}, year = {2021},publisher = {The Eurographics Association},ISBN = {978-3-03868-143-4},DOI = {10.2312/evs.20211056}}
@inproceedings{10.2312:evs.20211057,booktitle = {EuroVis 2021 - Short Papers},editor = {Agus, Marco and Garth, Christoph and Kerren, Andreas}, title = {{DanceMoves: A Visual Analytics Tool for Dance Movement Analysis}},author = {Arpatzoglou, VasilikiandKardara, ArtemisandDiehl, AlexandraandFlueckiger, BarbaraandHelmer, SvenandPajarola, Renato}, year = {2021},publisher = {The Eurographics Association},ISBN = {978-3-03868-143-4},DOI = {10.2312/evs.20211057}}
@inproceedings{10.2312:evs.20211058,booktitle = {EuroVis 2021 - Short Papers},editor = {Agus, Marco and Garth, Christoph and Kerren, Andreas}, title = {{Graceful Degradation for Real-time Visualization of Streaming Geospatial Data}},author = {Rafael, JoãoandMoreira, JoãoandMendes, DanielandAlves, MárioandGonçalves, Daniel}, year = {2021},publisher = {The Eurographics Association},ISBN = {978-3-03868-143-4},DOI = {10.2312/evs.20211058}}
@inproceedings{10.2312:evs.20211059,booktitle = {EuroVis 2021 - Short Papers},editor = {Agus, Marco and Garth, Christoph and Kerren, Andreas}, title = {{Evaluating Interactive Comparison Techniques in a Multiclass Density Map for Visual Crime Analytics}},author = {Svicarovic, LukasandParra, DenisandLobo, María Jesús}, year = {2021},publisher = {The Eurographics Association},ISBN = {978-3-03868-143-4},DOI = {10.2312/evs.20211059}}
@inproceedings{10.2312:evs.20211060,booktitle = {EuroVis 2021 - Short Papers},editor = {Agus, Marco and Garth, Christoph and Kerren, Andreas}, title = {{Discussion Flows: An Interactive Visualization for Analyzing Engagement in Multi-Party Meetings}},author = {Wang, TaoandKeck, MandyandVosough, Zana}, year = {2021},publisher = {The Eurographics Association},ISBN = {978-3-03868-143-4},DOI = {10.2312/evs.20211060}}
@inproceedings{10.2312:evs.20211061,booktitle = {EuroVis 2021 - Short Papers},editor = {Agus, Marco and Garth, Christoph and Kerren, Andreas}, title = {{TaskVis: Task-oriented Visualization Recommendation}},author = {Shen, LeixianandShen, EnyaandTai, ZhiweiandSong, YiranandWang, Jianmin}, year = {2021},publisher = {The Eurographics Association},ISBN = {978-3-03868-143-4},DOI = {10.2312/evs.20211061}}
@inproceedings{10.2312:evs.20211062,booktitle = {EuroVis 2021 - Short Papers},editor = {Agus, Marco and Garth, Christoph and Kerren, Andreas}, title = {{Toward an Interactive Voronoi Treemap for Manual Arrangement and Grouping}},author = {Abuthawabeh, AlaandAupetit, Michael}, year = {2021},publisher = {The Eurographics Association},ISBN = {978-3-03868-143-4},DOI = {10.2312/evs.20211062}}
@inproceedings{10.2312:evs.20211063,booktitle = {EuroVis 2021 - Short Papers},editor = {Agus, Marco and Garth, Christoph and Kerren, Andreas}, title = {{A Multilevel Approach for Event-Based Dynamic Graph Drawing}},author = {Arleo, AlessioandMiksch, SilviaandArchambault, Daniel}, year = {2021},publisher = {The Eurographics Association},ISBN = {978-3-03868-143-4},DOI = {10.2312/evs.20211063}}
@inproceedings{10.2312:evs.20211065,booktitle = {EuroVis 2021 - Short Papers},editor = {Agus, Marco and Garth, Christoph and Kerren, Andreas}, title = {{Algorithmic Improvements on Hilbert and Moore Treemaps for Visualization of Large Tree-structured Datasets}},author = {Scheibel, WillyandWeyand, ChristopherandBethge, JosephandDöllner, Jürgen}, year = {2021},publisher = {The Eurographics Association},ISBN = {978-3-03868-143-4},DOI = {10.2312/evs.20211065}}
@inproceedings{10.2312:evs.20211064,booktitle = {EuroVis 2021 - Short Papers},editor = {Agus, Marco and Garth, Christoph and Kerren, Andreas}, title = {{Selective Angular Brushing of Parallel Coordinate Plots}},author = {Sahann, RaphaelandGajic, IvanaandMoeller, TorstenandSchmidt, Johanna}, year = {2021},publisher = {The Eurographics Association},ISBN = {978-3-03868-143-4},DOI = {10.2312/evs.20211064}}