Case Study: Visual Analysis of Complex, Time-Dependent Simulation Results of a Diesel Exhaust System
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The Eurographics Association
In previous work we have presented visualization techniques that provide engineers with a high degree of interactivity and flexibility for analyzing large, time-dependent, and high-dimensional data sets resulting from CFD (computational fluid dynamics) simulations. In this case study we apply our techniques in the fields of the automotive engineering industry and demonstrate how users benefit from using them during their routine analysis, as well as for exploring new phenomena. For coping with some of the special requirements in this application, we adapted and extended parts of the system. A comparison of two related cases of a diesel exhaust system is presented, and some important questions about these cases are addressed.
booktitle = {Eurographics / IEEE VGTC Symposium on Visualization},
editor = {Oliver Deussen and Charles Hansen and Daniel Keim and Dietmar Saupe},
title = {{Case Study: Visual Analysis of Complex, Time-Dependent Simulation Results of a Diesel Exhaust System}},
author = {Doleisch, Helmut and Mayer, Michael and Gasser, Martin and Wanker, Roland and Hauser, Helwig},
year = {2004},
publisher = {The Eurographics Association},
ISSN = {1727-5296},
ISBN = {3-905673-07-X},
DOI = {/10.2312/VisSym/VisSym04/091-096}