Adaptive Nonlinear Finite Elements for Deformable Body Simulation Using Dynamic Progressive Meshes
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Wu, Xunlei
Downes, Michael S.
Goktekin, Tolga
Tendick, Frank
Downes, Michael S.
Goktekin, Tolga
Tendick, Frank
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Blackwell Publishers Ltd and the Eurographics Association
Realistic behavior of deformable objects is essential for many applications such as simulation for surgical training. Existing techniques of deformable modeling for real time simulation have either used approximate methods that are not physically accurate or linear methods that do not produce reasonable global behavior. Nonlinear finite element methods (FEM) are globally accurate, but conventional FEM is not real time. In this paper, we apply nonlinear FEM using mass lumping to produce a diagonal mass matrix that allows real time computation. Adaptive meshing is necessary to provide sufficient detail where required while minimizing unnecessary computation. We propose a scheme for mesh adaptation based on an extension of the progressive mesh concept, which we call dynamic progressive meshes.
journal = {Computer Graphics Forum},
title = {{Adaptive Nonlinear Finite Elements for Deformable Body Simulation Using Dynamic Progressive Meshes}},
author = {Wu, Xunlei and Downes, Michael S. and Goktekin, Tolga and Tendick, Frank},
year = {2001},
publisher = {Blackwell Publishers Ltd and the Eurographics Association},
ISSN = {1467-8659},
DOI = {10.1111/1467-8659.00527}