Temporally Coherent and Artistically Intended Stylization of Feature Lines Extracted from 3D Models
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Cardona, Luis
Saito, Suguru
Saito, Suguru
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The Eurographics Association and John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
In this paper, we propose a method to maintain the temporal coherence of stylized feature lines extracted from 3D models and preserve an artistically intended stylization provided by the user. We formally define the problem of combining spatio-temporal continuity and artistic intention as a weighted energy minimization problem of competing constraints. The proposed method updates the style properties to provide real-time smooth transitions from current to goal stylization, by assuring first- and second-order temporal continuity, as well as spatial continuity along each stroke. The proposed weighting scheme guarantees that the stylization of strokes maintains motion coherence with respect to the apparent motion of the underlying surface in consecutive frames. This weighting scheme emphasizes temporal continuity for small apparent motions where the human vision system is able to keep track of the scene, and prioritizes the artistic intention for large apparent motions where temporal coherence is not expected. The proposed method produces temporally coherent and visually pleasing animations without the flickering artifacts of previous methods, while also maintaining the artistic intention of a goal stylization provided by the user.
journal = {Computer Graphics Forum},
title = {{Temporally Coherent and Artistically Intended Stylization of Feature Lines Extracted from 3D Models}},
author = {Cardona, Luis and Saito, Suguru},
year = {2016},
publisher = {The Eurographics Association and John Wiley & Sons Ltd.},
ISSN = {1467-8659},
DOI = {10.1111/cgf.13011}