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Design and Fabrication of Faceted Mirror Arrays for Light Field Capture

Fuchs, Martin
Kächele, Markus
Rusinkiewicz, Szymon

Interactive Geometry-Aware Segmentation for the Decomposition of Kaleidoscopic Images

Klehm, Oliver
Reshetouski, Ilya
Eisemann, Elmar
Seidel, Hans-Peter
Ihrke, Ivo

Fast and Robust Landmark Tracking in X-ray Locomotion Sequences Containing Severe Occlusions

Amthor, Manuel
Haase, Daniel
Denzler, Joachim

Automatic Detection and Recognition of Engineered Nanoparticles in SEM Images

Kockentiedt, Stephen
Toennies, Klaus
Gierke, Erhardt
Dziurowitz, Nico
Thim, Carmen
Plitzko, Sabine

An Efficient Trim Structure for Rendering Large B-Rep Models

Claux, Frédéric
Vanderhaeghe, David
Barthe, Loïc
Paulin, Mathias
Jessel, Jean-Pierre
Croenne, David

Fast Accurate Soft Shadows with Adaptive Light Source Sampling

Schwärzler, Michael
Mattausch, Oliver
Scherzer, Daniel
Wimmer, Michael

Hybrid Sample-based Surface Rendering

Reichl, Florian
Chajdas, Matthäus G.
Bürger, Kai
Westermann, Rüdiger

Single-Pass Rendering of Day and Night Sky Phenomena

Müller, Daniel
Engel, Juri
Döllner, Jürgen

GPU-accelerated Interactive Material Aging

Günther, Tobias
Rohmer, Kai
Grosch, Thorsten

Screen Space Spherical Harmonic Occlusion

Herholz, Sebastian
Schairer, Timo
Schilling, Andreas
Straßer, Wolfgang

Generating Smooth High-Quality Isosurfaces for Interactive Modeling and Visualization of Complex Terrains

Löffler, Falko
Schumann, Heidrun

Spectral Analysis of Higher-Order and BFECC Texture Advection

Netzel, Rudolf
Ament, Marco
Burch, Michael
Weiskopf, Daniel

Visualizing Solar Dynamics Data

Machado, Gustavo M.
Sadlo, Filip
Müller, Thomas
Müller, Daniel
Ertl, Thomas

Analysis of Vortex Merge Graphs

Kasten, Jens
Zoufahl, Andre
Hege, Hans-Christian
Hotz, Ingrid

Illumination-Driven Opacity Modulation for Expressive Volume Rendering

Csébfalvi, Balázs
Tóth, Balázs
Bruckner, Stefan
Gröller, Eduard

Implicit Integral Surfaces

Stöter, Torsten
Weinkauf, Tino
Seidel, Hans-Peter
Theisel, Holger

Cyclic Numerical Time Integration in Variational Non-Rigid Image Registration based on Quadratic Regularisation

Mang, Andreas
Schuetz, Tina Anne
Becker, Stefan
Toma, Alina
Buzug, Thorsten M.

Adaptive Treelet Meshes for Efficient Streak-Surface Visualization on the GPU

Fuchs, Raphael
Schindler, Benjamin
Carnecky, Robert
Waser, Jürgen
Yang, Yun
Peikert, Ronny

Segmentation of Vertebral Bodies in MR Images

Zukic, Dzenan
Vlasák, Ales
Dukatz, Thomas
Egger, Jan
Horínek, Daniel
Nimsky, Christopher
Kolb, Andreas

Registration of Temporal Ultrasonic Image Sequences Using Markov Random Fields

Schäfer, Sebastian
Toennies, Klaus

A Mixed Shape Space for Fast Interpolation of Articulated Shapes

Marras, Stefano
Cashman, Thomas J.
Hormann, Kai

Resolving Twisted Surfaces within an Iterative Refinement Surface Reconstruction Approach

Annuth, Hendrik
Bohn, Christian-A.

Optimized Canonical Coordinate Frames for 3D Object Normalization

Martinek, Michael
Grosso, Roberto
Greiner, Günther

Visualization of Scene Structure Uncertainty in a Multi-View Reconstruction Pipeline

Recker, Shawn
Hess-Flores, Mauricio
Duchaineau, Mark A.
Joy, Kenneth I.

Markov Chain Driven Multi-Dimensional Visual Pattern Analysis with Parallel Coordinates

Geng, Zhao
Walker, James
Laramee, Robert S.

The Great Wall of Space-Time

Tominski, Christian
Schulz, Hans-Joerg

Visualizing Dynamic Call Graphs

Burch, Michael
Müller, Christoph
Reina, Guido
Schmauder, Hansjoerg
Greis, Miriam
Weiskopf, Daniel

Visualization and Exploration of Shape Variance for the Analysis of Cohort Study Data

Klemm, Paul
Oeltze, Steffen
Hegenscheid, Katrin
Völzke, Henry
Toennies, Klaus
Preim, Bernhard

Kinematic ICP for Articulated Template Fitting

Fechteler, Philipp
Hilsmann, Anna
Eisert, Peter

Juggling Increases Interhemispheric Brain Connectivity: A Visual and Quantitative dMRI Study

Schultz, Thomas
Gerber, Peter
Schmidt-Wilcke, Tobias

3D Shape Matching based on Geodesic Distance Distributions

Martinek, Michael
Ferstl, Matthias
Grosso, Roberto

BibTeX (VMV12)
booktitle = {
Vision, Modeling and Visualization},
editor = {
Michael Goesele and Thorsten Grosch and Holger Theisel and Klaus Toennies and Bernhard Preim
}, title = {{
Design and Fabrication of Faceted Mirror Arrays for Light Field Capture}},
author = {
Fuchs, Martin
Kächele, Markus
Rusinkiewicz, Szymon
}, year = {
publisher = {
The Eurographics Association},
ISBN = {978-3-905673-95-1},
DOI = {
booktitle = {
Vision, Modeling and Visualization},
editor = {
Michael Goesele and Thorsten Grosch and Holger Theisel and Klaus Toennies and Bernhard Preim
}, title = {{
Interactive Geometry-Aware Segmentation for the Decomposition of Kaleidoscopic Images}},
author = {
Klehm, Oliver
Reshetouski, Ilya
Eisemann, Elmar
Seidel, Hans-Peter
Ihrke, Ivo
}, year = {
publisher = {
The Eurographics Association},
ISBN = {978-3-905673-95-1},
DOI = {
booktitle = {
Vision, Modeling and Visualization},
editor = {
Michael Goesele and Thorsten Grosch and Holger Theisel and Klaus Toennies and Bernhard Preim
}, title = {{
Fast and Robust Landmark Tracking in X-ray Locomotion Sequences Containing Severe Occlusions}},
author = {
Amthor, Manuel
Haase, Daniel
Denzler, Joachim
}, year = {
publisher = {
The Eurographics Association},
ISBN = {978-3-905673-95-1},
DOI = {
booktitle = {
Vision, Modeling and Visualization},
editor = {
Michael Goesele and Thorsten Grosch and Holger Theisel and Klaus Toennies and Bernhard Preim
}, title = {{
Automatic Detection and Recognition of Engineered Nanoparticles in SEM Images}},
author = {
Kockentiedt, Stephen
Toennies, Klaus
Gierke, Erhardt
Dziurowitz, Nico
Thim, Carmen
Plitzko, Sabine
}, year = {
publisher = {
The Eurographics Association},
ISBN = {978-3-905673-95-1},
DOI = {
booktitle = {
Vision, Modeling and Visualization},
editor = {
Michael Goesele and Thorsten Grosch and Holger Theisel and Klaus Toennies and Bernhard Preim
}, title = {{
An Efficient Trim Structure for Rendering Large B-Rep Models}},
author = {
Claux, Frédéric
Vanderhaeghe, David
Barthe, Loïc
Paulin, Mathias
Jessel, Jean-Pierre
Croenne, David
}, year = {
publisher = {
The Eurographics Association},
ISBN = {978-3-905673-95-1},
DOI = {
booktitle = {
Vision, Modeling and Visualization},
editor = {
Michael Goesele and Thorsten Grosch and Holger Theisel and Klaus Toennies and Bernhard Preim
}, title = {{
Fast Accurate Soft Shadows with Adaptive Light Source Sampling}},
author = {
Schwärzler, Michael
Mattausch, Oliver
Scherzer, Daniel
Wimmer, Michael
}, year = {
publisher = {
The Eurographics Association},
ISBN = {978-3-905673-95-1},
DOI = {
booktitle = {
Vision, Modeling and Visualization},
editor = {
Michael Goesele and Thorsten Grosch and Holger Theisel and Klaus Toennies and Bernhard Preim
}, title = {{
Hybrid Sample-based Surface Rendering}},
author = {
Reichl, Florian
Chajdas, Matthäus G.
Bürger, Kai
Westermann, Rüdiger
}, year = {
publisher = {
The Eurographics Association},
ISBN = {978-3-905673-95-1},
DOI = {
booktitle = {
Vision, Modeling and Visualization},
editor = {
Michael Goesele and Thorsten Grosch and Holger Theisel and Klaus Toennies and Bernhard Preim
}, title = {{
Single-Pass Rendering of Day and Night Sky Phenomena}},
author = {
Müller, Daniel
Engel, Juri
Döllner, Jürgen
}, year = {
publisher = {
The Eurographics Association},
ISBN = {978-3-905673-95-1},
DOI = {
booktitle = {
Vision, Modeling and Visualization},
editor = {
Michael Goesele and Thorsten Grosch and Holger Theisel and Klaus Toennies and Bernhard Preim
}, title = {{
GPU-accelerated Interactive Material Aging}},
author = {
Günther, Tobias
Rohmer, Kai
Grosch, Thorsten
}, year = {
publisher = {
The Eurographics Association},
ISBN = {978-3-905673-95-1},
DOI = {
booktitle = {
Vision, Modeling and Visualization},
editor = {
Michael Goesele and Thorsten Grosch and Holger Theisel and Klaus Toennies and Bernhard Preim
}, title = {{
Screen Space Spherical Harmonic Occlusion}},
author = {
Herholz, Sebastian
Schairer, Timo
Schilling, Andreas
Straßer, Wolfgang
}, year = {
publisher = {
The Eurographics Association},
ISBN = {978-3-905673-95-1},
DOI = {
booktitle = {
Vision, Modeling and Visualization},
editor = {
Michael Goesele and Thorsten Grosch and Holger Theisel and Klaus Toennies and Bernhard Preim
}, title = {{
Generating Smooth High-Quality Isosurfaces for Interactive Modeling and Visualization of Complex Terrains}},
author = {
Löffler, Falko
Schumann, Heidrun
}, year = {
publisher = {
The Eurographics Association},
ISBN = {978-3-905673-95-1},
DOI = {
booktitle = {
Vision, Modeling and Visualization},
editor = {
Michael Goesele and Thorsten Grosch and Holger Theisel and Klaus Toennies and Bernhard Preim
}, title = {{
Spectral Analysis of Higher-Order and BFECC Texture Advection}},
author = {
Netzel, Rudolf
Ament, Marco
Burch, Michael
Weiskopf, Daniel
}, year = {
publisher = {
The Eurographics Association},
ISBN = {978-3-905673-95-1},
DOI = {
booktitle = {
Vision, Modeling and Visualization},
editor = {
Michael Goesele and Thorsten Grosch and Holger Theisel and Klaus Toennies and Bernhard Preim
}, title = {{
Visualizing Solar Dynamics Data}},
author = {
Machado, Gustavo M.
Sadlo, Filip
Müller, Thomas
Müller, Daniel
Ertl, Thomas
}, year = {
publisher = {
The Eurographics Association},
ISBN = {978-3-905673-95-1},
DOI = {
booktitle = {
Vision, Modeling and Visualization},
editor = {
Michael Goesele and Thorsten Grosch and Holger Theisel and Klaus Toennies and Bernhard Preim
}, title = {{
Analysis of Vortex Merge Graphs}},
author = {
Kasten, Jens
Zoufahl, Andre
Hege, Hans-Christian
Hotz, Ingrid
}, year = {
publisher = {
The Eurographics Association},
ISBN = {978-3-905673-95-1},
DOI = {
booktitle = {
Vision, Modeling and Visualization},
editor = {
Michael Goesele and Thorsten Grosch and Holger Theisel and Klaus Toennies and Bernhard Preim
}, title = {{
Illumination-Driven Opacity Modulation for Expressive Volume Rendering}},
author = {
Csébfalvi, Balázs
Tóth, Balázs
Bruckner, Stefan
Gröller, Eduard
}, year = {
publisher = {
The Eurographics Association},
ISBN = {978-3-905673-95-1},
DOI = {
booktitle = {
Vision, Modeling and Visualization},
editor = {
Michael Goesele and Thorsten Grosch and Holger Theisel and Klaus Toennies and Bernhard Preim
}, title = {{
Implicit Integral Surfaces}},
author = {
Stöter, Torsten
Weinkauf, Tino
Seidel, Hans-Peter
Theisel, Holger
}, year = {
publisher = {
The Eurographics Association},
ISBN = {978-3-905673-95-1},
DOI = {
booktitle = {
Vision, Modeling and Visualization},
editor = {
Michael Goesele and Thorsten Grosch and Holger Theisel and Klaus Toennies and Bernhard Preim
}, title = {{
Cyclic Numerical Time Integration in Variational Non-Rigid Image Registration based on Quadratic Regularisation}},
author = {
Mang, Andreas
Schuetz, Tina Anne
Becker, Stefan
Toma, Alina
Buzug, Thorsten M.
}, year = {
publisher = {
The Eurographics Association},
ISBN = {978-3-905673-95-1},
DOI = {
booktitle = {
Vision, Modeling and Visualization},
editor = {
Michael Goesele and Thorsten Grosch and Holger Theisel and Klaus Toennies and Bernhard Preim
}, title = {{
Adaptive Treelet Meshes for Efficient Streak-Surface Visualization on the GPU}},
author = {
Fuchs, Raphael
Schindler, Benjamin
Carnecky, Robert
Waser, Jürgen
Yang, Yun
Peikert, Ronny
}, year = {
publisher = {
The Eurographics Association},
ISBN = {978-3-905673-95-1},
DOI = {
booktitle = {
Vision, Modeling and Visualization},
editor = {
Michael Goesele and Thorsten Grosch and Holger Theisel and Klaus Toennies and Bernhard Preim
}, title = {{
Segmentation of Vertebral Bodies in MR Images}},
author = {
Zukic, Dzenan
Vlasák, Ales
Dukatz, Thomas
Egger, Jan
Horínek, Daniel
Nimsky, Christopher
Kolb, Andreas
}, year = {
publisher = {
The Eurographics Association},
ISBN = {978-3-905673-95-1},
DOI = {
booktitle = {
Vision, Modeling and Visualization},
editor = {
Michael Goesele and Thorsten Grosch and Holger Theisel and Klaus Toennies and Bernhard Preim
}, title = {{
Registration of Temporal Ultrasonic Image Sequences Using Markov Random Fields}},
author = {
Schäfer, Sebastian
Toennies, Klaus
}, year = {
publisher = {
The Eurographics Association},
ISBN = {978-3-905673-95-1},
DOI = {
booktitle = {
Vision, Modeling and Visualization},
editor = {
Michael Goesele and Thorsten Grosch and Holger Theisel and Klaus Toennies and Bernhard Preim
}, title = {{
A Mixed Shape Space for Fast Interpolation of Articulated Shapes}},
author = {
Marras, Stefano
Cashman, Thomas J.
Hormann, Kai
}, year = {
publisher = {
The Eurographics Association},
ISBN = {978-3-905673-95-1},
DOI = {
booktitle = {
Vision, Modeling and Visualization},
editor = {
Michael Goesele and Thorsten Grosch and Holger Theisel and Klaus Toennies and Bernhard Preim
}, title = {{
Resolving Twisted Surfaces within an Iterative Refinement Surface Reconstruction Approach}},
author = {
Annuth, Hendrik
Bohn, Christian-A.
}, year = {
publisher = {
The Eurographics Association},
ISBN = {978-3-905673-95-1},
DOI = {
booktitle = {
Vision, Modeling and Visualization},
editor = {
Michael Goesele and Thorsten Grosch and Holger Theisel and Klaus Toennies and Bernhard Preim
}, title = {{
Optimized Canonical Coordinate Frames for 3D Object Normalization}},
author = {
Martinek, Michael
Grosso, Roberto
Greiner, Günther
}, year = {
publisher = {
The Eurographics Association},
ISBN = {978-3-905673-95-1},
DOI = {
booktitle = {
Vision, Modeling and Visualization},
editor = {
Michael Goesele and Thorsten Grosch and Holger Theisel and Klaus Toennies and Bernhard Preim
}, title = {{
Visualization of Scene Structure Uncertainty in a Multi-View Reconstruction Pipeline}},
author = {
Recker, Shawn
Hess-Flores, Mauricio
Duchaineau, Mark A.
Joy, Kenneth I.
}, year = {
publisher = {
The Eurographics Association},
ISBN = {978-3-905673-95-1},
DOI = {
booktitle = {
Vision, Modeling and Visualization},
editor = {
Michael Goesele and Thorsten Grosch and Holger Theisel and Klaus Toennies and Bernhard Preim
}, title = {{
Markov Chain Driven Multi-Dimensional Visual Pattern Analysis with Parallel Coordinates}},
author = {
Geng, Zhao
Walker, James
Laramee, Robert S.
}, year = {
publisher = {
The Eurographics Association},
ISBN = {978-3-905673-95-1},
DOI = {
booktitle = {
Vision, Modeling and Visualization},
editor = {
Michael Goesele and Thorsten Grosch and Holger Theisel and Klaus Toennies and Bernhard Preim
}, title = {{
The Great Wall of Space-Time}},
author = {
Tominski, Christian
Schulz, Hans-Joerg
}, year = {
publisher = {
The Eurographics Association},
ISBN = {978-3-905673-95-1},
DOI = {
booktitle = {
Vision, Modeling and Visualization},
editor = {
Michael Goesele and Thorsten Grosch and Holger Theisel and Klaus Toennies and Bernhard Preim
}, title = {{
Visualizing Dynamic Call Graphs}},
author = {
Burch, Michael
Müller, Christoph
Reina, Guido
Schmauder, Hansjoerg
Greis, Miriam
Weiskopf, Daniel
}, year = {
publisher = {
The Eurographics Association},
ISBN = {978-3-905673-95-1},
DOI = {
booktitle = {
Vision, Modeling and Visualization},
editor = {
Michael Goesele and Thorsten Grosch and Holger Theisel and Klaus Toennies and Bernhard Preim
}, title = {{
Visualization and Exploration of Shape Variance for the Analysis of Cohort Study Data}},
author = {
Klemm, Paul
Oeltze, Steffen
Hegenscheid, Katrin
Völzke, Henry
Toennies, Klaus
Preim, Bernhard
}, year = {
publisher = {
The Eurographics Association},
ISBN = {978-3-905673-95-1},
DOI = {
booktitle = {
Vision, Modeling and Visualization},
editor = {
Michael Goesele and Thorsten Grosch and Holger Theisel and Klaus Toennies and Bernhard Preim
}, title = {{
Kinematic ICP for Articulated Template Fitting}},
author = {
Fechteler, Philipp
Hilsmann, Anna
Eisert, Peter
}, year = {
publisher = {
The Eurographics Association},
ISBN = {978-3-905673-95-1},
DOI = {
booktitle = {
Vision, Modeling and Visualization},
editor = {
Michael Goesele and Thorsten Grosch and Holger Theisel and Klaus Toennies and Bernhard Preim
}, title = {{
Juggling Increases Interhemispheric Brain Connectivity: A Visual and Quantitative dMRI Study}},
author = {
Schultz, Thomas
Gerber, Peter
Schmidt-Wilcke, Tobias
}, year = {
publisher = {
The Eurographics Association},
ISBN = {978-3-905673-95-1},
DOI = {
booktitle = {
Vision, Modeling and Visualization},
editor = {
Michael Goesele and Thorsten Grosch and Holger Theisel and Klaus Toennies and Bernhard Preim
}, title = {{
3D Shape Matching based on Geodesic Distance Distributions}},
author = {
Martinek, Michael
Ferstl, Matthias
Grosso, Roberto
}, year = {
publisher = {
The Eurographics Association},
ISBN = {978-3-905673-95-1},
DOI = {


Recent Submissions

Now showing 1 - 31 of 31
  • Item
    Design and Fabrication of Faceted Mirror Arrays for Light Field Capture
    (The Eurographics Association, 2012) Fuchs, Martin; Kächele, Markus; Rusinkiewicz, Szymon; Michael Goesele and Thorsten Grosch and Holger Theisel and Klaus Toennies and Bernhard Preim
    The high resolution of digital cameras has made single-shot, single-sensor acquisition of light fields feasible, though considerable design effort is still necessary in order to construct the necessary collection of optical elements for particular acquisition scenarios. This article explores a pipeline for designing, fabricating, and utilizing faceted mirror arrays which simplifies this task. The foundation of the pipeline is an interactive tool that automatically optimizes for mirror designs while exposing to the user a set of intuitive parameters for light field quality and manufacturing constraints. We investigate two manufacturing processes for automatic fabrication of the resulting designs: one is based on CNC milling, polishing, and plating of one solid work piece, while the other involves assembly of precision cut mirror facets. We demonstrate results for refocusing in a macro photography scenario.
  • Item
    Interactive Geometry-Aware Segmentation for the Decomposition of Kaleidoscopic Images
    (The Eurographics Association, 2012) Klehm, Oliver; Reshetouski, Ilya; Eisemann, Elmar; Seidel, Hans-Peter; Ihrke, Ivo; Michael Goesele and Thorsten Grosch and Holger Theisel and Klaus Toennies and Bernhard Preim
    Mirror systems have recently emerged as an alternative low-cost multi-view imaging solution. The use of these systems critically depends on the ability to compute the background of a multiply mirrored object. The images taken in such systems show a fractured, patterned view, making edge-guided segmentation difficult. Further, global illumination and light attenuation due to the mirrors make standard segmentation techniques fail. We therefore propose a system that allows a user to do the segmentation manually. We provide convenient tools that enable an interactive segmentation of kaleidoscopic images containing three-dimensional objects. Hereby, we explore suitable interaction and visualization schemes to guide the user. To achieve interactivity, we employ the GPU in all stages of the application, such as 2D/3D rendering as well as segmentation.
  • Item
    Fast and Robust Landmark Tracking in X-ray Locomotion Sequences Containing Severe Occlusions
    (The Eurographics Association, 2012) Amthor, Manuel; Haase, Daniel; Denzler, Joachim; Michael Goesele and Thorsten Grosch and Holger Theisel and Klaus Toennies and Bernhard Preim
    Recent advances in the understanding of animal locomotion have proven it to be a key element of many fields in biology, motion science, and robotics. For the analysis of walking animals, high-speed x-ray videography is employed. For a biological evaluation of these x-ray sequences, anatomical landmarks have to be located in each frame. However, due to the motion of the animals, severe occlusions complicate this task and standard tracking methods can not be applied. We present a robust tracking approach which is based on the idea of dividing a template into sub-templates to overcome occlusions. The difference to other sub-template approaches is that we allow soft decisions for the fusion of the single hypotheses, which greatly benefits tracking stability. Also, we show how anatomical knowledge can be included into the tracking process to further improve the performance. Experiments on real datasets show that our method achieves results superior to those of existing robust approaches.
  • Item
    Automatic Detection and Recognition of Engineered Nanoparticles in SEM Images
    (The Eurographics Association, 2012) Kockentiedt, Stephen; Toennies, Klaus; Gierke, Erhardt; Dziurowitz, Nico; Thim, Carmen; Plitzko, Sabine; Michael Goesele and Thorsten Grosch and Holger Theisel and Klaus Toennies and Bernhard Preim
    Engineered nanoparticles have gained importance in recent years and will do so in the future, but their potential toxicity remains an open question. To better understand their effects on the human body, it is necessary to determine their concentration in ambient air. We propose a method to automatically detect nanoparticles in SEM images and differentiate engineered particles from other particles common in ambient air. The method reached Gmeans of 0.985, 0.779 and 0.820 for the classification against non-engineered particles of silver, titanium dioxide and zinc oxide respectively. This is comparable to manual classification.
  • Item
    An Efficient Trim Structure for Rendering Large B-Rep Models
    (The Eurographics Association, 2012) Claux, Frédéric; Vanderhaeghe, David; Barthe, Loïc; Paulin, Mathias; Jessel, Jean-Pierre; Croenne, David; Michael Goesele and Thorsten Grosch and Holger Theisel and Klaus Toennies and Bernhard Preim
    We present a multiresolution trim structure for fast and accurate B-Rep model visualization. To get a good tradeoff between performance and visual accuracy, we propose to use a vectorial but approximated representation of the model that allows efficient, real-time GPU exploitation. Our structure, based on a quadtree, enables us to do shallow lookups for distant fragments. For closeups, we leverage hardware tessellation. We get interactive frame rates for models that consists of hundreds of thousands of B-Rep faces, regardless of the zoom level.
  • Item
    Fast Accurate Soft Shadows with Adaptive Light Source Sampling
    (The Eurographics Association, 2012) Schwärzler, Michael; Mattausch, Oliver; Scherzer, Daniel; Wimmer, Michael; Michael Goesele and Thorsten Grosch and Holger Theisel and Klaus Toennies and Bernhard Preim
    Physically accurate soft shadows in 3D applications can be simulated by taking multiple samples from all over the area light source and accumulating them. Due to the unpredictability of the size of the penumbra regions, the required sampling density has to be high in order to guarantee smooth shadow transitions in all cases. Hence, several hundreds of shadow maps have to be evaluated in any scene configuration, making the process computationally expensive. Thus, we suggest an adaptive light source subdivision approach to select the sampling points adaptively. The main idea is to start with a few samples on the area light, evaluating there differences using hardware occlusion queries, and adding more sampling points if necessary. Our method is capable of selecting and rendering only the samples which contribute to an improved shadow quality, and hence generate shadows of comparable quality and accuracy. Even though additional calculation time is needed for the comparison step, this method saves valuable rendering time and achieves interactive to real-time frame rates in many cases where a brute force sampling method does not.
  • Item
    Hybrid Sample-based Surface Rendering
    (The Eurographics Association, 2012) Reichl, Florian; Chajdas, Matthäus G.; Bürger, Kai; Westermann, Rüdiger; Michael Goesele and Thorsten Grosch and Holger Theisel and Klaus Toennies and Bernhard Preim
    The performance of rasterization-based rendering on current GPUs strongly depends on the abilities to avoid overdraw and to prevent rendering triangles smaller than the pixel size. Otherwise, the rates at which highresolution polygon models can be displayed are affected significantly. Instead of trying to build these abilities into the rasterization-based rendering pipeline, we propose an alternative rendering pipeline implementation that uses rasterization and ray-casting in every frame simultaneously to determine eye-ray intersections. To make ray-casting competitive with rasterization, we introduce a memory-efficient sample-based data structure which gives rise to an efficient ray traversal procedure. In combination with a regular model subdivision, the most optimal rendering technique can be selected at run-time for each part. For very large triangle meshes our method can outperform pure rasterization and requires a considerably smaller memory budget on the GPU. Since the proposed data structure can be constructed from any renderable surface representation, it can also be used to efficiently render isosurfaces in scalar volume fields. The compactness of the data structure allows rendering from GPU memory when alternative techniques already require exhaustive paging.
  • Item
    Single-Pass Rendering of Day and Night Sky Phenomena
    (The Eurographics Association, 2012) Müller, Daniel; Engel, Juri; Döllner, Jürgen; Michael Goesele and Thorsten Grosch and Holger Theisel and Klaus Toennies and Bernhard Preim
    This paper presents astronomical based rendering of skies as seen from low altitudes on earth, in respect to location, date, and time. The technique allows to compose an atmosphere with sun, multiple cloud layers, moon, bright stars, and Milky Way, into a holistic sky with unprecedented high level of detail and diversity. GPU generated, viewpoint-aligned billboards are used to render stars with approximated color, brightness, and scintillations. A similar approach is used to synthesize the moon considering lunar phase, earthshine, shading, and lunar eclipses. Atmosphere and clouds are rendered using existing methods adapted to our needs. Rendering is done in a single pass supporting interactive day-night cycles with low performance impact, and allows for easy integration in existing rendering systems.
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    GPU-accelerated Interactive Material Aging
    (The Eurographics Association, 2012) Günther, Tobias; Rohmer, Kai; Grosch, Thorsten; Michael Goesele and Thorsten Grosch and Holger Theisel and Klaus Toennies and Bernhard Preim
    A photorealistic appearance of a 3D scene is required in many applications today. Thereby, one vital aspect is the usage of realistic materials, for which a broad variety of reflectance models is available. When directly employing those models, surfaces always look new, which contrasts strongly the real objects surrounding us as they have undergone diverse kinds of aging processes. The literature already proposes a set of viable methods to simulate different aging phenomena, but all of them are computationally expensive and can thus only be computed off-line. Therefore, this paper presents the first interactive, GPU-accelerated method to simulate material aging in a given scene. Thereby, our approach allows artists to precisely control the course of the aging process. Our particlebased method is capable to reproduce the most common deterioration phenomena in a few seconds, including plausible dirt bleeding, flow effects, corrosion and patina.
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    Screen Space Spherical Harmonic Occlusion
    (The Eurographics Association, 2012) Herholz, Sebastian; Schairer, Timo; Schilling, Andreas; Straßer, Wolfgang; Michael Goesele and Thorsten Grosch and Holger Theisel and Klaus Toennies and Bernhard Preim
    In this paper we present a new algorithm for real-time directional occlusion sampling. We combine the real-time capabilities of Screen Space Ambient Occlusion (SSAO) with the Spherical Harmonics (SH) representation of local directional occlusion. SH are well established and used in modern off-line rendering implementations such as PantaRay [PFHA10]. Through our combination we are able to transfer a method for realistic local directional occlusion effects from offline rendering to dynamic real-time applications. These local occlusion effects react to the environmental lighting situation and lead to dynamic and colored local occlusion shadows while only generating a small computational overhead compared to SSAO. Unlike other real-time directional occlusion algorithms such as Screen Space Direction Occlusion (SSDO) [RGS09] our occlusion sampling is separated from the actual lighting process and therefore can be easily integrated in existing SH lighting methods such as Irradiance Volumes [GSHG98]. We furthermore extend our algorithm to include first bounce indirect illumination effects.
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    Generating Smooth High-Quality Isosurfaces for Interactive Modeling and Visualization of Complex Terrains
    (The Eurographics Association, 2012) Löffler, Falko; Schumann, Heidrun; Michael Goesele and Thorsten Grosch and Holger Theisel and Klaus Toennies and Bernhard Preim
    In modeling and rendering of complex procedural terrains the extraction of isosurfaces is an important part. In this paper we introduce an approach to generate high-quality isosurfaces from regular grids at interactive frame rates. The surface extraction is a variation of Dual Marching Cubes and designed as a set of well-balanced parallel computation kernels. In contrast to a straightforward parallelization we generate a quadrilateral mesh with full connectivity information and 1-ring vertex neighborhood. We use this information to smooth the extracted mesh and to approximate the smooth subdivision surface for detail tessellation. Both improve the visual fidelity when modeling procedural terrains interactively. Moreover, our extraction approach is generally applicable, for example in the field of volume visualization.
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    Spectral Analysis of Higher-Order and BFECC Texture Advection
    (The Eurographics Association, 2012) Netzel, Rudolf; Ament, Marco; Burch, Michael; Weiskopf, Daniel; Michael Goesele and Thorsten Grosch and Holger Theisel and Klaus Toennies and Bernhard Preim
    We present a spectral analysis of higher-order texture advection in combination with Back and Forth Error Compensation and Correction (BFECC). Semi-Lagrangian texture advection techniques exhibit high numerical diffusion, which acts as a low-pass filter and tends to smooth out high frequencies. In the spatial domain, numerical diffusion leads to a loss of details and causes a blurred image. To reduce this effect, higher-order interpolation methods or BFECC can be employed separately. In this paper, we combine both approaches and analyze the quality of different compositions of higher-order interpolation schemes with and without BFECC. We employ radial power spectrum diagrams for different advection times and input textures to evaluate the conservation of the spectrum up to fifth-order polynomials. Our evaluation shows that third-order backward advection delivers a good compromise between quality and computational costs.
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    Visualizing Solar Dynamics Data
    (The Eurographics Association, 2012) Machado, Gustavo M.; Sadlo, Filip; Müller, Thomas; Müller, Daniel; Ertl, Thomas; Michael Goesele and Thorsten Grosch and Holger Theisel and Klaus Toennies and Bernhard Preim
    Solar dynamics data, particularly those from the Solar Dynamics Observatory, are now available in a sheer volume that is hard to investigate with traditional visualization tools, which mainly display 2D images. While the challenge of data access and browsing has been solved by web-based interfaces and efforts like the Helioviewer project, the approaches so far only provide 2D visualizations. We introduce the visualization of such data in the full 3D context, providing appropriate coordinate systems and projection techniques. We also apply and extend methods from volume rendering and flow visualization to 3D magnetic fields, which we derive from the sensor data in an interactive process, and introduce space-time visualization of photospheric data. Here, we concentrate on two solar phenomena: the structure and dynamics of coronal loops, and the development of the plasma convection in close vicinity of sunspots over time. Our approach avoids the time-coherence issue inherent in traditional magnetic field line placement, providing insight in the magnetic field and the structure of the coronal plasma. We are convinced that the presented techniques are applicable in many other fields such as the terrestrial magnetospheric physics, or magnetohydrodynamics simulations.
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    Analysis of Vortex Merge Graphs
    (The Eurographics Association, 2012) Kasten, Jens; Zoufahl, Andre; Hege, Hans-Christian; Hotz, Ingrid; Michael Goesele and Thorsten Grosch and Holger Theisel and Klaus Toennies and Bernhard Preim
    We propose an analysis framework to investigate different flow quantities such as vorticity, λ<sub>2</sub> or the acceleration magnitude along vortex merge graphs and within their regions of influence. The explicit extraction of vortex merge graphs enables the application of statistical tools to investigate the vortex core lines themselves. The analysis tool provides common plots as scatter plots and parallel coordinates to explore the correlation of different quantities. An abstract representation of the vortex merge graph highlights birth, death and merges of vortices. Interactive picking of substructures supports a closer insepection of single vortices and their evolution. A further step integrates the regions of influence into the statistical analysis. Minima, maxima, median, mean and other percentiles of the measures along the vortex merge graph and its regions are visualized. The usability of the framework is demonstrated using a simulated flow data set of a mixing layer and a jet.
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    Illumination-Driven Opacity Modulation for Expressive Volume Rendering
    (The Eurographics Association, 2012) Csébfalvi, Balázs; Tóth, Balázs; Bruckner, Stefan; Gröller, Eduard; Michael Goesele and Thorsten Grosch and Holger Theisel and Klaus Toennies and Bernhard Preim
    Using classical volume visualization, typically a couple of isosurface layers are rendered semi-transparently to show the internal structures contained in the data. However, the opacity transfer function is often difficult to specify such that all the isosurfaces are of high contrast and sufficiently perceivable. In this paper, we propose a volumerendering technique which ensures that the different layers contribute to fairly different regions of the image space. Since the overlapping between the effected regions is reduced, an outer translucent isosurface does not decrease significantly the contrast of a partially hidden inner isosurface. Therefore, the layers of the data become visually well separated. Traditional transfer functions assign color and opacity values to the voxels depending on the density and the gradient. In contrast, we assign also different illumination directions to different materials, and modulate the opacities view-dependently based on the surface normals and the directions of the light sources, which are fixed to the viewing angle. We will demonstrate that this model allows an expressive visualization of volumetric data.
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    Implicit Integral Surfaces
    (The Eurographics Association, 2012) Stöter, Torsten; Weinkauf, Tino; Seidel, Hans-Peter; Theisel, Holger; Michael Goesele and Thorsten Grosch and Holger Theisel and Klaus Toennies and Bernhard Preim
    We present an implicit method for globally computing all four classic types of integral surfaces - stream, path, streak, and time surfaces - in 3D time-dependent vector fields. Our novel formulation is based on the representation of a time surface as implicit isosurface of a 3D scalar function advected by the flow field. The evolution of a time surface is then given as an isovolume in 4D space-time spanned by a series of advected scalar functions. Based on this, the other three integral surfaces are described as the intersection of two isovolumes derived from different scalar functions. Our method uses a dense flow integration to compute integral surfaces globally in the entire domain. This allows to change the seeding structure efficiently by simply defining new isovalues. We propose two rendering methods that exploit the implicit nature of our integral surfaces: 4D raycasting, and projection into a 3D volume. Furthermore, we present a marching cubes inspired surface extraction method to convert the implicit surface representation to an explicit triangle mesh. In contrast to previous approaches for implicit stream surfaces, our method allows for multiple voxel intersections, covers all regions of the flow field, and provides full control over the seeding line within the entire domain.
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    Cyclic Numerical Time Integration in Variational Non-Rigid Image Registration based on Quadratic Regularisation
    (The Eurographics Association, 2012) Mang, Andreas; Schuetz, Tina Anne; Becker, Stefan; Toma, Alina; Buzug, Thorsten M.; Michael Goesele and Thorsten Grosch and Holger Theisel and Klaus Toennies and Bernhard Preim
    In the present work, a novel computational framework for variational non-rigid image registration is discussed. The fundamental aim is to provide an alternative to approximate approaches based on successive convolution, which have gained great popularity in recent years, due to their linear complexity and ease of implementation. An optimise-then-discretise framework is considered. The corresponding Euler-Lagrange equations (ELEs), which arise from calculus of variation, constitute a necessary condition for a minimiser of the variational optimisation problem. The conventional, semi-implicit (SI) time integration for the solution of the ELEs is replaced by an explicit approach rendering the implementation straightforward. Since explicit methods are subject to a restrictive stability requirement on the maximal admissible time step size, they are in general inefficient and prone to get stuck in local minima. As a remedy, we take advantage of methods based on cyclic explicit numerical time integration. With this the strong stability requirement on each individual time step can be replaced by a relaxed stability requirement. This in turn results in an unconditionally stable method, which is as efficient as SI approaches. As a basis of comparison, SI methods are considered. Generalisability is demonstrated within a generic variational framework based on quadratic regularisation. Qualitative and quantitative analysis of numerical experiments based on synthetic test data demonstrates accuracy and efficiency.
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    Adaptive Treelet Meshes for Efficient Streak-Surface Visualization on the GPU
    (The Eurographics Association, 2012) Fuchs, Raphael; Schindler, Benjamin; Carnecky, Robert; Waser, Jürgen; Yang, Yun; Peikert, Ronny; Michael Goesele and Thorsten Grosch and Holger Theisel and Klaus Toennies and Bernhard Preim
    We describe a novel adaptive mesh representation for streak-surfaces. The surface is represented as a mesh of small trees of initial depth zero (treelets). This mesh representation allows for efficient integration, refinement, coarsening and appending of surface patches utilizing the computational capacities of modern GPUs. Integration, refinement, and rendering are strictly separated into effectively parallelizable substeps of the streak-surface integration algorithm. We also describe a sampler framework which unifies the handling of different vector field representations.
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    Segmentation of Vertebral Bodies in MR Images
    (The Eurographics Association, 2012) Zukic, Dzenan; Vlasák, Ales; Dukatz, Thomas; Egger, Jan; Horínek, Daniel; Nimsky, Christopher; Kolb, Andreas; Michael Goesele and Thorsten Grosch and Holger Theisel and Klaus Toennies and Bernhard Preim
    Segmentation of vertebral bodies is useful for diagnosis of certain spine pathologies, such as scoliosis, spondylolisthesis and vertebral fractures. In this paper, we present a fast and semi-automatic approach for spine segmentation in routine clinical MR images. Segmenting a single vertebra is based on multiple-feature boundary classification and mesh inflation, and starts with a simple point-in-vertebra initialization. The inflation retains a star-shape geometry to prevent selfintersections and uses a constrained subdivision hierarchy to control smoothness. Analyzing the shape of the first vertebra, the main spine direction is deduced and the locations of neighboring vertebral bodies are estimated for further segmentation. The method was tested on 11 routine lumbar datasets with 92 reference vertebrae resulting in a detection rate of 93%. The average Dice Similarity Coefficient (DSC) against manual reference segmentations was 78%, which is on par with state of the art. The main advantages of our method are high speed and a low amount of user interaction.
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    Registration of Temporal Ultrasonic Image Sequences Using Markov Random Fields
    (The Eurographics Association, 2012) Schäfer, Sebastian; Toennies, Klaus; Michael Goesele and Thorsten Grosch and Holger Theisel and Klaus Toennies and Bernhard Preim
    Ultrasound perfusion imaging is a rapid and inexpensive technique which enables observation of a dynamic process with high temporal resolution. The image acquisition is disturbed by various motion influences due to the acquisition procedure and patient motion. To extract valid information about perfusion for quantification and diagnostic purposes this influence must be compensated. In this work an approach to account for non-linear motion using a markov random field (MRF) based optimization scheme for registration is presented. Optimal transformation parameters are found all at once in a single optimization framework. Spatial and temporal constraints ensure continuity of a displacement field which is used for image transformation. Simulated datasets with known transformation fields are used to evaluate the presented method and demonstrate the potential of the system. Experiments with patient datasets show that superior results could be achieved compared to a pairwise image registration approach. Furthermore, it is shown that the method is suited to include prior knowledge about the data as the MRF system is able to model dependencies between the parameters of the optimization process.
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    A Mixed Shape Space for Fast Interpolation of Articulated Shapes
    (The Eurographics Association, 2012) Marras, Stefano; Cashman, Thomas J.; Hormann, Kai; Michael Goesele and Thorsten Grosch and Holger Theisel and Klaus Toennies and Bernhard Preim
    Interpolation between compatible triangle meshes that represent different poses of some object is a fundamental operation in geometry processing. A common approach is to consider the static input shapes as points in a suitable shape space and then use simple linear interpolation in this space to find an interpolated shape. In this paper, we present a new interpolation technique that is particularly tailored for meshes that represent articulated shapes. It is up to an order of magnitude faster than state-of-the-art methods and gives very similar results. To achieve this, our approach introduces a novel space shape that takes advantage of the underlying structure of articulated shapes and distinguishes between rigid parts and non-rigid joints. This allows us to use fast vertex interpolation on the rigid parts and resort to comparatively slow edge-based interpolation only for the joints.
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    Resolving Twisted Surfaces within an Iterative Refinement Surface Reconstruction Approach
    (The Eurographics Association, 2012) Annuth, Hendrik; Bohn, Christian-A.; Michael Goesele and Thorsten Grosch and Holger Theisel and Klaus Toennies and Bernhard Preim
    We present a method which resolves twisted surface regions within a surface reconstruction approach that uses local refinement operations to iteratively fit a surface into an unorganized point cloud. We show that this local operation can be integrated reliably and efficiently, although resolving twisted surfaces is not a local operation since it may cause modifications up to one half of the entire surface. We introduce a novel data structure called the minimal edge front that enables efficiently retrieving topological information from the surface under investigation. Equipped with this operation the algorithm is able to robustly handle huge point-clouds of complex closed and also not closed objects like landscapes.
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    Optimized Canonical Coordinate Frames for 3D Object Normalization
    (The Eurographics Association, 2012) Martinek, Michael; Grosso, Roberto; Greiner, Günther; Michael Goesele and Thorsten Grosch and Holger Theisel and Klaus Toennies and Bernhard Preim
    In this paper, we describe a method to optimize an orthogonal system of axes for 3D objects in order to perform normalization with respect to orientation and scale. An energy function evaluates the quality of a system by considering symmetry, rectilinearity and the origin of the system within the current axis aligned bounding box. Starting with the PCA-axes as initial system, we find a canonical coordinate frame by minimizing the energy in an efficient and elaborate optimization process. We provide a fully automatic normalization pipeline with the possibility to manually set various intuitive parameters in order to influence the outcome. The symmetry part of our energy function uses a combination of plane reflective and rotational symmetries. In this context, we introduce a novel continuous symmetry measure which is entirely implemented on the GPU. The high efficiency of the implementation enables us to find an optimal alignment for 3D objects interactively, making our method suitable even for large 3D databases. We also demonstrate the applicability of our framework for 3D shape matching by approximating the Hausdorff distance for 3D models.
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    Visualization of Scene Structure Uncertainty in a Multi-View Reconstruction Pipeline
    (The Eurographics Association, 2012) Recker, Shawn; Hess-Flores, Mauricio; Duchaineau, Mark A.; Joy, Kenneth I.; Michael Goesele and Thorsten Grosch and Holger Theisel and Klaus Toennies and Bernhard Preim
    This paper presents a novel, interactive visualization tool that allows for the analysis of scene structure uncer- tainty and its sensitivity to parameters in different multi-view scene reconstruction stages. Given a set of input cameras and feature tracks, the volume rendering-based approach first creates a scalar field from angular error measurements. The obtained statistical, visual, and isosurface information provides insight into the sensitivity of scene structure at the stages leading up to structure computation, such as frame decimation, feature tracking, and self-calibration. Furthermore, user interaction allows for such an analysis in ways that have traditionally been achieved mathematically, without any visual aid. Results are shown for different types of camera configurations, where it is discussed for example how over-decimation can be detected using the proposed technique, and how feature tracking inaccuracies have a stronger impact on scene structure than the camera's intrinsic parameters.
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    Markov Chain Driven Multi-Dimensional Visual Pattern Analysis with Parallel Coordinates
    (The Eurographics Association, 2012) Geng, Zhao; Walker, James; Laramee, Robert S.; Michael Goesele and Thorsten Grosch and Holger Theisel and Klaus Toennies and Bernhard Preim
    Parallel coordinates is a widely used visualization technique for presenting, analyzing and exploring multidimensional data. However, like many other visualizations, it can suffer from an overplotting problem when rendering large data sets. Until now, quite a few methods are proposed to discover and illustrate the major data trends in cluttered parallel coordinates. Among them, frequency-based approaches using binning and histograms are widely adopted. The traditional binning method, which records line-segment frequency, only considers data in a two-dimensional subspace, as a result, the multi-dimensional features are not taken into account for trend and outlier analysis. Obtaining a coherent binned representation in higher dimensions is challenging because multidimensional binning can suffer from the curse of dimensionality. In this paper, we utilize the Markov Chain model to compute an n-dimensional joint probability for each data tuple based on a two-dimensional binning method. This probability value can be utilized to guide the user for selection and brushing. We provide various interaction techniques for the user to control the parameters during the brushing process. Filtered data with a high probability measure often explicitly illustrates major data trends. In order to scale to large data sets, we also propose a more precise angular representation for angular histograms to depict the density of the brushed data trends. We demonstrate our methods and evaluate the results on a wide variety of data sets, including real-world, high-dimensional biological data.
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    The Great Wall of Space-Time
    (The Eurographics Association, 2012) Tominski, Christian; Schulz, Hans-Joerg; Michael Goesele and Thorsten Grosch and Holger Theisel and Klaus Toennies and Bernhard Preim
    Understanding how data evolves in space and time is an essential task in many application domains. Despite the numerous visual methods that have been proposed to facilitate this task (e.g., showing the data on a map or plotting a time graph), the exploration of data with references to space and time still remains challenging. In this work, we present a novel concept for visualizing spatio-temporal data that refer to 2D geographical space and 1D linear time. The idea is to construct a non-planar slice - called the Great Wall of Space-Time - through the 3D (2D+1D) space-time continuum. Different visual representations can be projected onto the wall in order to display the data. We illustrate data visualizations based on color-coding and parallel coordinates. Compared to existing approaches, the wall has the advantage that it shows a closed path through space with no gaps between the information-bearing pixels on the screen. Hence, our novel visualization has the potential to be a useful addition to the user's toolbox of techniques for exploring the spatial and temporal evolution of data.
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    Visualizing Dynamic Call Graphs
    (The Eurographics Association, 2012) Burch, Michael; Müller, Christoph; Reina, Guido; Schmauder, Hansjoerg; Greis, Miriam; Weiskopf, Daniel; Michael Goesele and Thorsten Grosch and Holger Theisel and Klaus Toennies and Bernhard Preim
    Visualizing time-varying call graphs is challenging due to vast amounts of data at many dimensions to be displayed: Hierarchically organized vertices with attributes, directed or undirected edges with weights, and time. In this paper, we introduce a novel overview representation that shows dynamic graphs as a timeline- and pixelbased aggregated view targeting the preservation of a viewer's mental map by encoding the time-varying data into a static diagram. This view allows comparisons of dynamic call graphs on different levels of hierarchical granularity. Our data extraction and visualization system uses this overview as a starting point for further investigations by applying existing dynamic graph visualization techniques that show the graph structures and properties more clearly. These more task-specific visualizations show the dynamic graph data from different perspectives such as curved node-link diagrams or glyph-based representations combined by linking and brushing. Intermediate analysis steps can be stored and rebuilt at any time by using corresponding thumbnail representations.
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    Visualization and Exploration of Shape Variance for the Analysis of Cohort Study Data
    (The Eurographics Association, 2012) Klemm, Paul; Oeltze, Steffen; Hegenscheid, Katrin; Völzke, Henry; Toennies, Klaus; Preim, Bernhard; Michael Goesele and Thorsten Grosch and Holger Theisel and Klaus Toennies and Bernhard Preim
    In epidemiological studies, a group of people with common characteristics or experiences (a cohort) is studied including an analysis of socio-demographic as well as biological factors and correlations indicating per subject the absolute risk of getting a disease. Longitudinal studies are carried out over years or even decades comprising up to thousands of individuals. More recently, such studies include the acquisition of image data such as MRI to answer crucial epidemiological questions. For instance, how is the shape of an anatomical structure related to behavioral or clinical factors, e.g., liver shape related to drinking habits and obesity? We propose a pipeline for shape variance analysis in cohort study data which comprises the definition of groups of individuals and control groups based on socio-demographic and biological factors or attributes derived from the image data as well as the visualization of intra-group shape variance and inter-group shape difference. We employ different shape variance models and investigate the applicability of the pipeline for liver and spine related epidemiological research.
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    Kinematic ICP for Articulated Template Fitting
    (The Eurographics Association, 2012) Fechteler, Philipp; Hilsmann, Anna; Eisert, Peter; Michael Goesele and Thorsten Grosch and Holger Theisel and Klaus Toennies and Bernhard Preim
    In this paper, we present an efficient optimization method to adapt an articulated 3D template model to a full or partial 3D mesh. The well-known ICP algorithm is enhanced to fit a generic template to a target mesh. Each iteration jointly refines the parameters for global rigid alignment, uniform scale as well as the rotation parameters of all joint angles. The articulated 3D template model is based on the publicly available SCAPE data set, enhanced with automatically learned rotation centers of the joints and Linear Blend Skinning weights for each vertex. In two example applications we demonstrate the effectiveness of this computationally efficient approach: pose recovery from full meshes and pose tracking from partial depth maps.
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    Juggling Increases Interhemispheric Brain Connectivity: A Visual and Quantitative dMRI Study
    (The Eurographics Association, 2012) Schultz, Thomas; Gerber, Peter; Schmidt-Wilcke, Tobias; Michael Goesele and Thorsten Grosch and Holger Theisel and Klaus Toennies and Bernhard Preim
    We use visualization to help analyze a diffusion magnetic resonance imaging study that has investigated the effects of learning how to juggle on nerve fiber microstructure in the human brain. Building on a standard voxel-wise statistical analysis, we perform a more elaborate visual analysis of the affected fiber bundles. Based on the visualization, we hypothesize that brain image data allows us to distinguish learners from controls with better-thanrandom accuracy; we test this hypothesis with a machine learning technique. We believe that our results exemplify the value of more tightly integrating statistical with visual analysis and machine learning in brain imaging studies, in order to complement the group-wise view of traditional analysis with insights about specific individuals.
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    3D Shape Matching based on Geodesic Distance Distributions
    (The Eurographics Association, 2012) Martinek, Michael; Ferstl, Matthias; Grosso, Roberto; Michael Goesele and Thorsten Grosch and Holger Theisel and Klaus Toennies and Bernhard Preim
    In this work, we present a signature for 3D shapes which is based on the distribution of geodesic distances. Our shape descriptor is invariant with respect to rotation and scaling as well as articulations of the object. It consists of shape histograms which reflect the geodesic distance distribution of randomly chosen pairs of surface points as well as the distribution of geodesic eccentricity and centricity. We show, that a combination of these shape histograms provides good discriminative power to find similar objects in 3D databases even if they are differently articulated. In order to improve the efficiency of the feature extraction, we employ a fast voxelization method and compute the geodesic distances on a boundary voxel representation of the objects.