Combining Z-buffer Engines for Higher-Speed Rendering

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The Eurographics Association
Described IS a hardware architecture for combining the outputs of a number of z-buffer rendering engines to achieve higher performance than is possible with a single renderer. It allows a combination of renderers to achieve the same pllce!performance ratio as the individual renderers that compose it. and can be extended to create systems with arbitrarily high periormance.The desCribed architecture is based on a fusion of scan-line rendering and the conventional z-buffer algorithm. The frame buffers of several z-buffer engines are modified to scan out z-values as well as color values. Multiplexing devices combine the z/color streams from each pair of frame-buffers. These z/color streams are then combined by further multiplexers, creating a binary tree that funnels the z/color information from the many conventional frame buffers Into a single z/color stream. The color stream is then used to dnve a standard display device.The proposed architecture allows rendering rates of millions and even tens of millions of polygons per second. The basic architecture can be extended with additional hardware to perform antialiasing and texture-mapping.

, booktitle = {
Eurographics workshop on Graphics Hardware
}, editor = {
A. A. M.Kuijk
}, title = {{
Combining Z-buffer Engines for Higher-Speed Rendering
}}, author = {
Molnar, Steven
}, year = {
}, publisher = {
The Eurographics Association
}, ISSN = {
}, ISBN = {
}, DOI = {
} }