High-Performance Graphics 2018
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Vancouver, BC, Canada
August 10 – 12, 2018
August 10 – 12, 2018
Anti Aliasing
Adaptive Temporal Antialiasing
Correlation-Aware Semi-Analytic Visibility for Antialiased Rendering
Deferred Adaptive Compute Shading
Detecting Aliasing Artifacts in Image Sequences Using Deep Neural Networks
Ray Traversal, Transparency, and GPU Computing
Brook GLES Pi: Democratising Accelerator Programming
Compressed-Leaf Bounding Volume Hierarchies
CPU-Style SIMD Ray Traversal on GPUs
Moment Transparency
BibTeX (High-Performance Graphics 2018)
@inproceedings{10.1145:3231578.3231579,booktitle = {Eurographics/ ACM SIGGRAPH Symposium on High Performance Graphics},editor = {Patney, Anjul and Niessner, Matthias}, title = {{Adaptive Temporal Antialiasing}},author = {Marrs, AdamandSpjut, JosefandGruen, HolgerandSathe, RahulandMcGuire, Morgan}, year = {2018},publisher = {ACM},ISSN = {2079-8679},ISBN = {978-1-4503-5896-5},DOI = {10.1145/3231578.3231579}}
@inproceedings{10.1145:3231578.3231584,booktitle = {Eurographics/ ACM SIGGRAPH Symposium on High Performance Graphics},editor = {Patney, Anjul and Niessner, Matthias}, title = {{Correlation-Aware Semi-Analytic Visibility for Antialiased Rendering}},author = {Crassin, CyrilandWyman, ChrisandMcGuire, MorganandLefohn, Aaron}, year = {2018},publisher = {ACM},ISSN = {2079-8679},ISBN = {978-1-4503-5896-5},DOI = {10.1145/3231578.3231584}}
@inproceedings{10.1145:3231578.3232160,booktitle = {Eurographics/ ACM SIGGRAPH Symposium on High Performance Graphics},editor = {Patney, Anjul and Niessner, Matthias}, title = {{Deferred Adaptive Compute Shading}},author = {Mallett, IanandYuksel, Cem}, year = {2018},publisher = {ACM},ISSN = {2079-8679},ISBN = {978-1-4503-5896-5},DOI = {10.1145/3231578.3232160}}
@inproceedings{10.1145:3231578.3231582,booktitle = {Eurographics/ ACM SIGGRAPH Symposium on High Performance Graphics},editor = {Patney, Anjul and Niessner, Matthias}, title = {{Brook GLES Pi: Democratising Accelerator Programming}},author = {Trompouki, Matina MariaandKosmidis, Leonidas}, year = {2018},publisher = {ACM},ISSN = {2079-8679},ISBN = {978-1-4503-5896-5},DOI = {10.1145/3231578.3231582}}
@inproceedings{10.1145:3231578.3231580,booktitle = {Eurographics/ ACM SIGGRAPH Symposium on High Performance Graphics},editor = {Patney, Anjul and Niessner, Matthias}, title = {{Detecting Aliasing Artifacts in Image Sequences Using Deep Neural Networks}},author = {Patney, AnjulandLefohn, Aaron}, year = {2018},publisher = {ACM},ISSN = {2079-8679},ISBN = {978-1-4503-5896-5},DOI = {10.1145/3231578.3231580}}
@inproceedings{10.1145:3231578.3231583,booktitle = {Eurographics/ ACM SIGGRAPH Symposium on High Performance Graphics},editor = {Patney, Anjul and Niessner, Matthias}, title = {{CPU-Style SIMD Ray Traversal on GPUs}},author = {Lier, AlexanderandStamminger, MarcandSelgrad, Kai}, year = {2018},publisher = {ACM},ISSN = {2079-8679},ISBN = {978-1-4503-5896-5},DOI = {10.1145/3231578.3231583}}
@inproceedings{10.1145:3231578.3231581,booktitle = {Eurographics/ ACM SIGGRAPH Symposium on High Performance Graphics},editor = {Patney, Anjul and Niessner, Matthias}, title = {{Compressed-Leaf Bounding Volume Hierarchies}},author = {Benthin, CarstenandWald, IngoandWoop, SvenandÁfra, Attila T.}, year = {2018},publisher = {ACM},ISSN = {2079-8679},ISBN = {978-1-4503-5896-5},DOI = {10.1145/3231578.3231581}}
@inproceedings{10.1145:3231578.3231585,booktitle = {Eurographics/ ACM SIGGRAPH Symposium on High Performance Graphics},editor = {Patney, Anjul and Niessner, Matthias}, title = {{Moment Transparency}},author = {Sharpe, Brian}, year = {2018},publisher = {ACM},ISSN = {2079-8679},ISBN = {978-1-4503-5896-5},DOI = {10.1145/3231578.3231585}}