DH2015 - Track 2
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Full Papers - Multispectral Imaging & Rendering
Illumination Compensation for High-resolution Multispectral Image Mosaicing of Herritage
Alexandru Duliu, Vogel Jakob, Sister Serafima, Tobias Lasser and Nassir Navab
Color and Hyperspectral Image Segmentation for Historical Documents
Irina Mihaela Ciortan, Hilda Deborah, Sony George and Jon Yngve Hardeberg
The WAVEcam: Ultra-High Resolution Imaging of Paintings
Samantha Stout, James Strawson, Eric Lo and Falko Kuester
Full Papers - Visualizing the Invisible or the Inaccessible (I/II)
Near Light Correction for Image Relighting and 3D Shape Recovery
Xiang Huang, Marc Walton, Greg Bearman and Oliver Cossairt
Alchemy in 3D - A Digitization for a Journey Through Matter
Marco Callieri, Paolo Pingi, Marco Potenziani, Matteo Dellepiane, Gaia Pavoni, Aurelia
Lureau and Roberto Scopigno
The Etruscans and the Afterlife - An Engaging Exhibition with Accurate Scientific,
Technological and Communicative Requirements
Antonella Guidazzoli, Silvano Imboden, Daniele De Luca, Maria Chiara Liguori, Luigi Verri,
Giovanni Bellavia, Alfonsina Russo, Maria Anna De Lucia and Rita Cosentino
Digital Study and Web-based Documentation of the Colour and Gilding on Ancient Marble
Eliana Siotto, Gianpaolo Palma, Marco Potenziani and Roberto Scopigno
The Palmieri Hypogeum in Lecce - From the Integrated Survey to the Dissemination of
Francesco Gabellone, Ivan Ferrari and Francesco Giuri
Improved Appearance Rendering for Photogrammetrically Acquired 3D Models
Seth Berrier, Michael Tetzlaff, Michael Ludwig and Gary Meyer
Full Papers - Interaction with Virtual Worlds
Engaging and Shared Gesture-based Interaction for Museums - The Case Study of K2R
International Expo in Rome
Bruno Fanini, Enzo D'Annibale, Emanuel Demetrescu, Alfonsina Pagano and Daniele Ferdani
Tangible Interfaces for Digital Museum Applications
Daniel Pletinckx, Carlotta Capurro and Dries Nollet
Exploring the Past with Google Cardboard
Adeola Fabola, Alan Miller and Richard Fawcett
Short Papers - Augmented Reality & Interaction
Heritage Move. A Natural and Lightweight Navigation Schema for Low-Cost, Non-Stationary
Immersive Virtual Environments
Manuel Olbrich, Jens Keil and Thomas Makiela
Parallax Occlusion Mapping in Augmented Reality Case Study on Facade of Sino Portuguese
Architecture Phuket, Thailand
Kosin Kalarat
Smartphone-based Remote 3D Interaction for Digital Heritage Applications
Alejandro RodrÃguez and Alejandro León
Short Papers - Virtual CH on Mobile and Web Platforms (I/II)
Mobile Onsite Exploration of Parallel Realities with Oculus Rift
Chris Davies, Alan Miller and Richard Fawcett
An Immersive Visualization Kit for Online 3D Objects Databases
Violette Abergel, Renato Saleri, Hervé Lequay and Livio De Luca
VirtualTour: A System for Exploring Cultural Heritage Sites in an Immersive Way
Luigi Malomo, Francesco Banterle, Paolo Pingi, Francesco Gabellone and Roberto Scopigno
A Hand-held 3D-Printed Box Projector - Study for a Souvenir from a Mixed-Reality Experience
Daniele Rossi
Augmented Reality and Storytelling in Heritage - Application to Public Gardens
Francisco Guimaraes, Mauto Figueiredo and Jose Rodrigues
Engaging Community Members with Digitally Curated Social Media Content at an Arts Festival
Patrick C. Shih, Kyungsik Han and John Carroll
Inside AR Application - Bringing Art Closer to Citizens by Promoting the Use of Smartphones
and Tablets
José Antonio Sánchez, Marcos Fernández and Javier Gutiérrez
The Application of Service Orientation on a Mobile AR Platform - A Museum Scenario
Sasithorn Rattanarungrot, Martin White and Ben Jackson
Smart Devices for Intangible Cultural Heritage Fruition
Alessandro Pozzebon and Silvia Calamai
A Contextualized Educational Museum Experience - Connecting Objects, Places and Themes
Through Mobile Virtual Museums
Holger Graf, Jens Keil, Timo Engelke, Alfonsina Pagano and Sofia Pescarin
Poster Presentations I
Resolving the Conflict Between High Visual Quality and High Performance in Virtual Reality
Applications Keys to Rome Project as Case Study
Mohamed Khalil, Karim Omar and Sameh Oransa
Enabling Social Interaction in the Museum through the Social Display Environment
Paloma Diaz, Andrea Bellucci and Ignacio Aedo
Innovative Systems for the Enjoyment of Pictorial Works - The Experience of Gallerie
dell'Accademia Museum in Venice
Davide Pantile, Roberto Frasca, Antonio Mazzeo, Matteo Ventrella and Giovanni Verreschi
Interactive Experiences in the Stedelijk Museum, A Living Lab Experiment with the CHESS
Maria Vayanou, Akrivi Katifori, Vassilis Kourtis, Erna Bomers and Niels de Jong
The Lion's Gate and the Persian Wall in Byblos - Opening the Doors of Digital
Representation to the Cultural Heritage of a Resilient City in Lebanon
Simone Garagnani, Luisa Bravo and José Manuel Pagés Madrigal
Digital Panorama
Davide Borra
Sarcophagus of the Spouses Installation - Intersection Across Archaeology, 3D Video Mapping
and Holographic Techniques Combined with Immersive Narrative Environments and Scenography
Franz Fischnaller, Antonella Guidazzoli, Silvano Imboden, Daniele De Luca, Maria Chiara
Liguori, Alfonsina Russo, Maria Anna De Lucia and Rita Cosentino
High-Quality Point Based Rendering Using Fast Single Pass Interpolation
Markus Schütz and Michael Wimmer
Virtual Museums and Audience Studies, the Case of ''Keys To Rome'' Exhibition
Alfonsina Pagano, Giulia Armone and Elisabetta De Sanctis
A Realistic Gamification Attempt for the Ancient Agora of Athens
Georgia Kontogianni and Andreas Georgopoulos
The Digital ArchiMusic Patterns in Alhambra
Osama Elrawi
Environment Map Based Lighting for Reflectance Transformation Images
Michael Ludwig and Gary Meyer
VR Multiple Channel Authoring with Immersive Display
Mohamed Farouk, Mohamed Ismail Ibrahim and Karam Mustafa
A Location-Based Augmented Reality System for the Spatial Interaction with Historical
Daniel Pacheco, Sytse Wierenga, Pedro Omedas, Habbo Knoch, Stephanie Billib, Stefan
Wilbricht and Paul Verschure
A Radicalized Phenomenological Transformation Of Greek/Unani Humoral Theory Into A Virtual
Reality Based Game Engine
Muqeem Khan
Works in Progress
User Experiences in Three Approaches to a Visit to a 3D Labyrinthe of Versailles
Copper Giloth and Jonathan Tanant
Using a Gaming Software for Historical Road and Path Research
Willem Vletter
Travelling Through Space and Time in Lisbon's Religious Buildings
João Gouveia, Fernando Branco, Armanda Rodrigues and Nuno Correia
A Virtual Reality Platform for the 3D Representation of Seokguram Temple
Park Jinho, Muhammad Tufail and Kim Jisoo
Leicester Castle Tells its Story: Beacon-based Mobile Interpretation for Historic Buildings
Giasemi Vavoula, Maria-Anna Tseliou, Sally Coleman, Rheinallt Ffoster-Jones, Paul Long and
Esther Simpson
A Fulldome Interactive Visitor Experience - A Novel Approach to Delivering Interactive
Virtual Heritage Experiences to Group Audiences in Full Dome Projection Spaces, Evaluated
Through Spatial Awareness and Emotional Response
John Tredinnick and Paul Richens
Poster Presentations II
StoryTECH 4 EVER - Storytelling TECHnologies for European Values and hERitage
Sara Monaci, Domenico Morreale, Gianluca Cuniberti, Mariano Equizzi and Andrea Sanna
New Memory Spaces for Cultural History - Digital Heritage Games in a Augmented World
Susanne Haake and Wolfgang Müller
A MetaViewer for Sharing Multiple Media by WebGL-based Interfaces
Laurent Bergerot
Development of a Low-Cost Application of Virtual Reality for the Promotion of Cultural
Javier Esclapés, Daniel Tejerina, Alejandro MartÃn and Laia Fabregat
X-Top - An Interactive Exhibition for Building Experience with Mini-Components of Stone
Kyung-Kyu Kang, Jihyung Lee, Chang Joon Park, Jae Woo Kim and Man Hee Lee
Recent Submissions
Item Illumination Compensation for High-resolution Multispectral Image Mosaicing of Herritage Paintings(IEEE, 2015) Duliu, Alexandru; Jakob, Vogel; Serafima, Sister; Lasser, Tobias; Navab, Nassir; Gabriele Guidi and Roberto Scopigno and Pere BrunetWhen investigating artworks, having the ability to examine the reflectance spectra at every image pixel can us give insight into the materials and pigments used in its creation. Multispectral imaging is a great tool to perform this task, however, when acquiring images with a multispectral camera, in addition to the reflectance spectra, the surface interaction with the illumination is also captured. This hampers quantitative measurements of the surface. We introduce a novel multispectral imaging system and illumination compensation approach, that mitigates the influence of illumination on image formation. We showcase the performance of our system by producing highresolution multispectral mosaic images (low or high dynamic range) of artworks dated from the beginning of the XIX-th century, to the present day.Item Color and Hyperspectral Image Segmentation for Historical Documents(IEEE, 2015) Ciortan, Irina Mihaela; Deborah, Hilda; George, Sony; Hardeberg, Jon Yngve; Gabriele Guidi and Roberto Scopigno and Pere BrunetSeveral historical documents from the collection of the National Library of Oslo were acquired using a hyperspectral scanner. While each of the documents has its specific characteristics, requiring different image preprocessing steps, the common goal for all documents is to increase their legibility. The aim of this study is to show the advantage of hyperspectral imaging compared to traditional color imaging, in particular for the task of ink separation using distance-based classification method.Item The WAVEcam: Ultra-High Resolution Imaging of Paintings(IEEE, 2015) Stout, Samantha; Strawson, James; Lo, Eric; Kuester, Falko; Gabriele Guidi and Roberto Scopigno and Pere BrunetThe WAVEcam has been designed to automate and accelerate the workflow for technical photography and spectroscopy in the digital documentation of relatively planar cultural heritage artifacts. The imaging platform allows for customized usage scenarios through the ability to design and fabricate mounting brackets based on need. In this case-study based demonstration of the WAVEcam, we show enhancements of the typical workflow, including speed, resolution, and user involvement through the implementation of technical photography (acquiring multispectral mosaic images), and x-ray fluorescence point-based spectroscopy for heritage documentation and diagnostics. The WAVEcam is a robust ultra-high resolution imaging platform uniquely adapted to acquiring images for wide-angle visualization environments.Item Engaging and Shared Gesture-based Interaction for Museums - The Case Study of K2R International Expo in Rome(IEEE, 2015) Fanini, Bruno; D'Annibale, Enzo; Demetrescu, Emanuel; Pagano, Alfonsina; Ferdani, Daniele; Gabriele Guidi and Roberto Scopigno and Pere BrunetThis paper presents a full life-cycle production and standardized workflow to deploy a shared and engaging gesturebased experience within a museum, connecting two different natural interaction applications. The research presented in this paper is specifically focused on Admotum and Holoint, two gesture-based applications developed for the V-Must.net in occasion of ''Keys to Rome'' international exhibition on Roman Culture. The workflow described here includes 3D content production, application design, development and integration within flexible museum setups, together with evaluation activities to explore more on the user's' educational benefits and the potential of such collaborative museum experience.Item Improved Appearance Rendering for Photogrammetrically Acquired 3D Models(IEEE, 2015) Berrier, Seth; Tetzlaff, Michael; Ludwig, Michael; Meyer, Gary; Gabriele Guidi and Roberto Scopigno and Pere BrunetIn this paper we present a technique for significantly improved rendering of objects scanned using photogrammetry techniques. We demonstrate the connection between photogrammetry and the unstructured lumigraph, a surface light field representation and rendering algorithm. We use our lumigraph rendering software to demonstrate improved results from photographically acquired cultural heritage artifacts. We discuss our improvements to the rendering of unstructured lumigraphs on modern hardware and offer this rendering tool as free, open source software.Item The Etruscans and the Afterlife - An Engaging Exhibition with Accurate Scientific, Technological and Communicative Requirements(IEEE, 2015) Guidazzoli, Antonella; Imboden, Silvano; Luca, Daniele De; Liguori, Maria Chiara; Verri, Luigi; Bellavia, Giovanni; Russo, Alfonsina; Lucia, Maria Anna De; Cosentino, Rita; Gabriele Guidi and Roberto Scopigno and Pere BrunetThe communication of museums, with the aim to engage and attract a wider audience, is undergoing a radical change, seeking in ICT a help. The joint exhibition ''The Etruscans and the Afterlife'', hosted by the National Etruscan Museum of Villa Giulia and the Museum of the History of Bologna - Genus Bononiae - presents a strong commitment towards a renewed communicational effort of this kind, merging a traditional display of archaeological findings and spectacular technological applications. The paper presents the three digital applications developed by VisitLab Cineca for the exhibition: a projection show combining 3D architectural mapping, with 10 coordinated projectors, and a holographic projection of the Sarcophagus of the Spouses; the holographic projection of the bronze vase called ''Situla della Certosa''; a Computer Graphics short movie, ''Ati at the discovery of Veii''.Item Heritage Move. A Natural and Lightweight Navigation Schema for Low-Cost, Non-Stationary Immersive Virtual Environments(IEEE, 2015) Olbrich, Manuel; Keil, Jens; Makiela, Thomas; Gabriele Guidi and Roberto Scopigno and Pere BrunetExperiencing 3D models of historical reconstructions and places is still an active issue considering the wide variety of displaying and interaction devices for immersive Virtual Reality. Moreover, as standards are missing, the sheer endless possibilities to map e.g. gestural input and other input reads to particular needs in navigation and selection, leave an open field of finding the right balance between functionality, usability (especially in an exhibition context), and user experience. In our paper we focus on creating a low-cost, fully immersive and nonstationary Virtual Reality setup, based on novel HMD and sensing devices that allow users to intuitively experience such virtual environments. Our approach enables users to freely walk around inside the virtual space, while keeping them physically inside a limited interaction and sensing space. Our contribution addresses challenges of balancing between system mobility and tracking, freedom of interaction, limited physical spaces and immersion. The goal is to keep position and interaction tracking and display technologies economically and technically affordable for the use in the museum context.Item Alchemy in 3D - A Digitization for a Journey Through Matter(IEEE, 2015) Callieri, Marco; Pingi, Paolo; Potenziani, Marco; Dellepiane, Matteo; Pavoni, Gaia; Lureau, Aurelia; Scopigno, Roberto; Gabriele Guidi and Roberto Scopigno and Pere BrunetIn this work, we will present the outcomes of the 3D diagnostic investigations carried out on the painting Alchemy by Jackson Pollock. Thanks to an accurate digitization and a careful processing, we were able to generate a very precise high-resolution 3D model that proved to be useful in different stages of the diagnostic and conservation campaign. The 3D model was integrated in the conservation process, along with the other diagnostic investigations; the geometric data was also used to produce images and video sequences for dissemination purposes. The most interesting aspect of the work, however, was the idea of going beyond photo-realism and the use of the scanner-measured geometry to try to interpret and understand the traces and signs on the surface of the painting, in relation with the gestures and techniques used by Pollock while painting this masterpiece. Combining the knowledge of the curators and the metric data gathered in the digitization, we were able to discover and validate several interesting aspects of the painting, in the direction of trying to better understanding the painting process which was, in the idea of the artist, an essential part of the artwork. The 3D model of the artwork played a central role also in the temporary exhibition created for the dissemination of the conservation and the diagnostic campaign to the museum visitors. This was also done following the idea of using the geometry to explain the gestures, actions and techniques of Jackson Pollock at work. The 3D model was used to create an interactive kiosk, to have the visitors navigate the model and access explanations of relevant geometrical details and to produce a 1:1 physical reproduction to give the public the possibility to physically interact with the artwork.Item Tangible Interfaces for Digital Museum Applications(IEEE, 2015) Pletinckx, Daniel; Capurro, Carlotta; Nollet, Dries; Gabriele Guidi and Roberto Scopigno and Pere BrunetVirtex is the acronym for VIRTual EXhibit. It is an innovative approach for museum storytelling, based on a tangible interface. This article illustrates how the Virtex and Virtex Light systems have been integrated in the international exhibition Keys to Rome and how tangible interfaces can be used to enhance visitor experience in the museum.Item Near Light Correction for Image Relighting and 3D Shape Recovery(IEEE, 2015) Huang, Xiang; Walton, Marc; Bearman, Greg; Cossairt, Oliver; Gabriele Guidi and Roberto Scopigno and Pere BrunetIn this paper, we propose a near-light illumination model for image relighting and 3D shape recovery. Classic methods such as used by the popular RTI software from Cultural Heritage Imaging assume that lighting is infinitely far away from the scene. However, this constraint is impossible to achieve in practice: light sources cannot be too far away from the scene due to space and power constraints. This causes non-uniform illumination artifacts due to variations in the distance between the light source and points in the scene. We correct this effect to provide much more uniformly lit images that yield more appealing image for relighting applications. Furthermore, we use our near-light model for more accurate photometric stereo calculations of surface normals, eliminating the ''potato-chip'' shaped surface reconstruction error that results from violating the far-light assumption. We verify our model with both free-form capture using hand-held flash as the illumination source, and capture using LED lights mounted on a dome shaped surface.Item The Palmieri Hypogeum in Lecce - From the Integrated Survey to the Dissemination of Contents(IEEE, 2015) Gabellone, Francesco; Ferrari, Ivan; Giuri, Francesco; Gabriele Guidi and Roberto Scopigno and Pere BrunetThis paper describes a complete path of research, which, starting from analysis and restitution 3D, gets to the virtual exploration of Hypogeum Palmieri in Lecce, a monument of Messapian age (4th century BC) currently not visible by tourists, as it is located in the garden of a private home. This project is developed under the DICET, an Italian National Operative Program, that aims to define and produce innovative models, processes, and tools for the sustainable development of a smart territory by capitalizing on its cultural and environmental resources, and marketing their touristic offerings. The instrumental survey of the Palmieri hypogeum was executed using two different methods, laser scanner and digital photogrammetry, in order to get a high metric control of the monument and high-resolution textures for the sculpted friezes. The two different survey methods allowed a perfect porting on different outputs: the 3D real time visit on the web and virtual visit on portable devices. A stereoscopic animation, installed at the museum MUST (Historic Museum of Lecce) Lecce, provides an easy diffusion of the cultural message. The richness of the textures and the resolution of the models has allowed the study of the monument from a morphological and structural point of view. The virtual reconstruction contributes to read an unpublished part of monumental tombs in Messapian age. Thanks to a cinematic approach with a great scientific rigor, the historical competence of an ordinary visitor is now largely formed on information coming from these media, thus creating a great increase in the demand for products with a high technological content and popularising historical re-evocations and reconstructions of the past.Item Exploring the Past with Google Cardboard(IEEE, 2015) Fabola, Adeola; Miller, Alan; Fawcett, Richard; Gabriele Guidi and Roberto Scopigno and Pere BrunetCombining digital reconstruction with mobile technologies has the potential of enriching visitors experience to historic sites. Through designing a mobile App with Google Cardboard it is possible to use technology already in peoples' pockets to provide immersive on-site exploration of historic sites. This paper looks at our experience in developing such a mobile App which acts as a digital guided tour of the remains of St Andrews Cathedral. The App brings together traditional media such as audio, images, panoramas, 3D video and 4 Steradian (or 360°) video with a mobile smartphone and Google Cardboard to provide a tour of one of Scotland's most important historic sites. The mobile App is available from both Google Play and iTunes, providing direct delivery to a potential audience of millions. It complements the location-aware mediaeval St Andrews App, which provides a guided tour to the town of St Andrews as a whole. In the absence of Google Cardboard the App is still useful providing both visual content and audio commentary on this historic monument.Item Digital Study and Web-based Documentation of the Colour and Gilding on Ancient Marble Artworks(IEEE, 2015) Siotto, Eliana; Palma, Gianpaolo; Potenziani, Marco; Scopigno, Roberto; Gabriele Guidi and Roberto Scopigno and Pere BrunetGreek and Roman marble artworks have been deeply studied from a typological and stylistic point of view, while there is still a limited knowledge on the pigments, dyes, binders and technical expedients used by Roman artists. In a renewed scientific interest towards the ancient polychromy (colour and gilding), a digital methodological and multidisciplinary approach can provide valuable information to better investigate and understand this fundamental aspect and to get a complete sense on Greek and Roman marble artworks. Following this research direction, the paper proposes a systematic methodological process defined to detect, document and visualize the preserved (and in some cases the digital reconstructed) original colour and gilding on Roman marble sarcophagi (II-IV century AD). The process defines a working pipeline that, starting from the selection of the artefact to study, proposes a set of investigation steps to improve our knowledge of its original painting. These steps include the direct virtual inspection, the archaeological and historical research, the on-site scientific investigation by multispectral imaging, spectroscopic and elemental analysis (eventually supported by micro-invasive techniques performed in laboratory), the accurate polychrome surface acquisition by colour calibrated 2D images. All the data produced are integrated with a high-resolution 3D model to support enhanced analysis and comparison and to create a digital 3D polychrome reconstruction by virtual painting. Finally, all those data are also made accessible on the web by using a cutting edge platform for visual media publication and interactive 3D visualization. This systematic and multidisciplinary process was tested on the so-called 'Annona sarcophagus’' (Museo Nazionale Romano - Palazzo Massimo, inv. no. 40799).Item VirtualTour: A System for Exploring Cultural Heritage Sites in an Immersive Way(IEEE, 2015) Malomo, Luigi; Banterle, Francesco; Pingi, Paolo; Gabellone, Francesco; Scopigno, Roberto; Gabriele Guidi and Roberto Scopigno and Pere BrunetIn this paper, we propose VirtualTour. This is a virtual reality app for Apple iOS 8 (tablets, smartphones) supporting the easy and natural exploration of Cultural Heritage sites captured with 3D scanning technologies or modeled by artists. VirtualTour proposes a novel approach for exploring virtual sites by exploiting modern mobile devices (tablets or phones) and their embedded sensors. The navigation is constrained to follow a pre-defined path in the virtual space; the user can progress on the path either by manipulating a simple slider or directly walking in real-world (the device sensors detect user's steps and progress accordingly in the virtual visit). The view is rotated according to mobile device's rotation (again, using the device sensors). The main focus of this app is to provide a mobile access to hidden or inaccessible sites (e.g. caves, temples, buildings, etc), using 3D representation and breaking the usability barrier that often hinders the navigation in complex models on top of mobile devices.Item Smart Devices for Intangible Cultural Heritage Fruition(IEEE, 2015) Pozzebon, Alessandro; Calamai, Silvia; Gabriele Guidi and Roberto Scopigno and Pere BrunetThis paper proposes a novel approach to the fruition of Intangible Cultural Heritage exploiting the technical features of smart devices. In particular, it presents a framework for a ''sound tourism'', in which the perception of sites is directly transmitted by the voice of the local communities through the creation of an app model for the fruition of landscape, places, and locations by means of oral archives. That is, the app model aims at boosting the added value of Intangible Cultural Heritage (e.g. popular music, oral history, languages and accents, local tradition, and folklore) by re-using it in real application environments (e.g. for tourist purposes). The proposed solution rejects the use of a smartphone as a mere displayer of information embracing an innovative philosophy that considers the smart device as a tool for the playback of audio material stored in sound archives, leaving the user free to enjoy the site he/she is visiting without the need to interact with a screen.Item The Application of Service Orientation on a Mobile AR Platform - A Museum Scenario(IEEE, 2015) Rattanarungrot, Sasithorn; White, Martin; Jackson, Ben; Gabriele Guidi and Roberto Scopigno and Pere BrunetMobile augmented reality has become an influential tool for digital content representation in terms of enhancing users' experience and improving the adaptability and usability of augmented reality applications. In our research, we have developed a service oriented mobile AR architecture for multiple applications, such as a museum interactive or web app. Our solution enhances closed platform mobile AR applications to create more flexible mobile AR clients that efficiently support content acquisition and utilization of third party digital media contents on a real scene. Our example web service framework on a mobile AR client exploits specific museum (e.g. Victoria and Albert Museum) or third party APIs (e.g. Google Maps) to aggregate data from participating web service providers. A typical media API content request is sent to a content provider to obtain a targeted cultural object's associated media contents such as 3D models, images, text, videos and metadata. Acquired contents are then visualized in both VR and AR environments and consumed by mobile users. Other examples of supporting modules include photogrammetry based 3D reconstructions based on available commercial or open source web services and personalization that allow a user to request rich media, e.g. 3D models, and associated metadata, of a targeted cultural object for exploiting in a 'saved museum exhibition'.Item A Hand-held 3D-Printed Box Projector - Study for a Souvenir from a Mixed-Reality Experience(IEEE, 2015) Rossi, Daniele; Gabriele Guidi and Roberto Scopigno and Pere BrunetThe most recent developments in digital technology have given rise to an increasingly close, articulate, and profitable contamination between reality and virtuality, creating a completely new mixed-reality experience in which enjoying cultural goods becomes mediated by technology and translated into something technological. The memory of a mixed-reality event usually ends with the simple audio-visual recording of the event, which is later shared privately or on social networks. Our aim is to illustrate a quick, low-cost procedure to create portable reproductions of spatial augmented reality experienced in urban spaces. The idea of the souvenir grows out of a desire to connect the memory of a site-specific cultural exhibit to the architectural heritage that frames it and serves as a background. We define the technical/operational framework for realizing a hand-held 3D-printed box projector based on the use of a smartphone and Pepper's ghost effect.Item Engaging Community Members with Digitally Curated Social Media Content at an Arts Festival(IEEE, 2015) Shih, Patrick C.; Han, Kyungsik; Carroll, John; Gabriele Guidi and Roberto Scopigno and Pere BrunetCapturing, uploading, and presenting social media content online have become the standard way for people to share their experiences with friends, family members, and others. In this paper, we describe our effort to extract, aggregate, and visualize, in a smartphone app, real-time and historical hyperlocal social media discussions and photos created at a regional arts festival that attracted over 100,000 visitors over a period of 5 days. Participants reported that the resulting content enriched their festival experience, and that it helped to create a social scaffold encouraging them to further engage and interact with others both physically and virtually through sharing even more user-contributed content.Item Parallax Occlusion Mapping in Augmented Reality Case Study on Facade of Sino Portuguese Architecture Phuket, Thailand(IEEE, 2015) Kalarat, Kosin; Gabriele Guidi and Roberto Scopigno and Pere BrunetSino Portuguese Architecture is a unique building in Thailand which combines with style of Chinese and European construction built around A.D.1890-1920. There are many details of bas-relief on the facade of the building. Currently, some of them have been destroyed or changed by the time. To preserve the buildings, which are houses, the digital data was established to collect the information of the houses and create to 3D virtual building represented by Augmented Reality (AR) technology. Using Augmented Reality with handheld devices is very popular because most people, nowadays, have smart phone or mobile phone. Thus, they can see the 3D houses via their handheld devices' camera and observe the building interacting with perspective changing in real-time. Therefore, the observers are able to view around the details of the virtual building easily. However, because of real-time interaction, handheld device have to render the visualization image as fast as changing point of view. Particularly, 3D model with many details, it takes load for handheld device computational time in case there are many details in 3D AR content because it cannot respond to the user simultaneously. This paper applies Parallax Occlusion Mapping (POM), which is well known technique for fast rendering of geometric detail and reducing a geometric complexity of model using surface detail information in a texture encoded, to 3D model of Sino Portuguese Architecture, which consists of many bas-relief patterns on the facade, in order to reduce the number of polygons. The system uses game engine, Unity3D, and Vuforia SDK implemented augmented reality application on handheld device. The result of this research use 1 polygon/ 1 bas-relief and the quality of visualization is compatible to each other on AR application.Item An Immersive Visualization Kit for Online 3D Objects Databases(IEEE, 2015) Abergel, Violette; Saleri, Renato; Lequay, Hervé; Luca, Livio De; Gabriele Guidi and Roberto Scopigno and Pere BrunetThe present challenge to preserve cultural heritage, dealing with the rise of new technological advances in terms of spatial data gathering, led to the massive surge of digital content and more than anything, to 3D models. These models, supporting analysis and valuation in archeology, architecture, cultural heritage and furniture design, are often gathered within huge databases. The core question of this presentation concerns the optimal strategy for its distribution and the specific methods involved to access and navigate through its heterogeneous data system. This paper also describes our KIVI1 hardware and software platform for immersive visualization, defining an original easy-to-use data crawling approach, optimizing its dissemination and exploitation through diverse cultural heritage digital content.Item Augmented Reality and Storytelling in Heritage - Application to Public Gardens(IEEE, 2015) Guimaraes, Francisco; Figueiredo, Mauto; Rodrigues, Jose; Gabriele Guidi and Roberto Scopigno and Pere BrunetGardens, given its location, history, fauna, flora and environmental scenography, are places that are part of a natural heritage with its own cultural identity. These places are object of preservation, study and dissemination, such as cultural heritage, but in this case with a collection of natural artifacts exhibition alive and dynamic that allows user's natural immersion in the exhibition space. To create a personal user interaction with this natural heritage space is important to capture the story and aesthetics, and find other ways to immerse the user in the space. To that end, this article combines Augmented Reality technologies and concepts of Transmedia Storytelling applied to Gardens as a framework of media-art digital artifact applied to Caloust Gulbenkian Foundation Garden in Lisbon / Portugal.Item Mobile Onsite Exploration of Parallel Realities with Oculus Rift(IEEE, 2015) Davies, Chris; Miller, Alan; Fawcett, Richard; Gabriele Guidi and Roberto Scopigno and Pere BrunetThis paper reports experience in developing a parallel reality system which allows its user to observe and move around their real environment whilst wearing a stereoscopic 3D head mounted display imbued with video-see through capabilities, with their position and gaze tracked by an indoor positioning system and head tracker, allowing them to alternately view their real environment and an immersive virtual reality environment from the equivalent vantage point. In so doing the challenge of the vacancy problem is addressed by lightening the cognitive load needed to switch between realities and to navigate the virtual environment. Evaluation of the usability, system performance and value of the system are undertaken in the context of a cultural heritage application; users are able to compare a reconstruction of an important 15th century chapel with its present day instantiation.Item Inside AR Application - Bringing Art Closer to Citizens by Promoting the Use of Smartphones and Tablets(IEEE, 2015) Sánchez, José Antonio; Fernández, Marcos; Gutiérrez, Javier; Gabriele Guidi and Roberto Scopigno and Pere BrunetThis paper describes the design, development and testing of an augmented reality application for smartphones and tablets that has the main objective of bringing art closer to citizens. The application makes use of an automated recognition and tracking system to identify the paintings being aimed at with the camera and overlaps digital images obtained by means of different technologies (infrared, THz, ultraviolet, X-rays, etc.) in order to unveil some details hidden beneath the outer layers of the painting. The overlapping fits perfectly on top of the original painting thanks to the registration process and it helps to go deeper into the knowledge of the artwork. Once the painting is recognised, the user can access information related to the author, chronology and history as well as additional insights provided by art experts and not commonly included in the guides, contributing to making art more appealing. Furthermore, the developed application includes also audio guides to facilitate the access to art for users with visual impairments, concentrating a great amount of different functionalities into one single device.Item A Contextualized Educational Museum Experience - Connecting Objects, Places and Themes Through Mobile Virtual Museums(IEEE, 2015) Graf, Holger; Keil, Jens; Engelke, Timo; Pagano, Alfonsina; Pescarin, Sofia; Gabriele Guidi and Roberto Scopigno and Pere BrunetThis paper presents the results of ongoing work realizing a mobile virtual museum that enables the connection between locally dispersed museums, collections and artefacts. The mobile application interconnects venues, objects and stories for an enhanced user experience and increased learnability inside the museum. It contextualizes information and reveals missing and hidden links between the digital replicas of the objects displayed in four different venues under one storyline. Within this context, we also provide a preliminary evaluation on how the mobile virtual museum could be used as support to indirect formal learning of young visitors, improving memorability.Item Smartphone-based Remote 3D Interaction for Digital Heritage Applications(IEEE, 2015) RodrÃguez, Alejandro; León, Alejandro; Gabriele Guidi and Roberto Scopigno and Pere BrunetIn this paper, we explore the use of smartphones as remote 3D interaction devices for digital heritage applications. We present a set of single-handed interaction techniques by combining the modern 3D sensing capabilities of these devices with touch-screen inputs, covering the basic 3D manipulation tasks in an intuitive and ergonomic way. A 3D gallery prototype has been developed, and all the proposed techniques have been integrated in an Android application to remotely interact with the gallery through a normal WiFi connection.Item The Lion's Gate and the Persian Wall in Byblos - Opening the Doors of Digital Representation to the Cultural Heritage of a Resilient City in Lebanon(IEEE, 2015) Garagnani, Simone; Bravo, Luisa; Madrigal, José Manuel Pagés; Gabriele Guidi and Roberto Scopigno and Pere BrunetByblos, modern Jbeil, is a northern Lebanese city considered as one of the oldest continuously inhabited cities since Neolithic times, designated as a UNESCO World Heritage site in 1984. Thus, the archaeological area, strictly surrounded by city boundaries, is the result of several civilizations that came over the centuries producing many layers of architectural buildings now in precarious state of conservation. The recent nomination of Byblos as one of the ''100 Resilient Cities'', a project pioneered by the Rockefeller Foundation, fostered some new intents aimed at the preservation of the urban space and the archaeological site. In order to support a possible valorization strategy, the Lion's Gate at the Persian Wall has been chosen as a case study to experiment how digital photogrammetric modeling of meaningful remains can improve dissemination of cultural legacy to remote visitors and transfer knowledge to town planners. This paper presents the preliminary research, which is supposed to be integrated by some more detailed surveys in the near future, in order to populate a shared web repository in which scholars, tourists and planners will find useful information on the archaeological park.Item Virtual Museums and Audience Studies, the Case of ''Keys To Rome'' Exhibition(IEEE, 2015) Pagano, Alfonsina; Armone, Giulia; Sanctis, Elisabetta De; Gabriele Guidi and Roberto Scopigno and Pere BrunetIn this paper we present an overview of two audience studies aimed at identifying museum visitors' attitudes, behaviours and expectations. In the framework of VMUST. NET an interactive exhibition, named ''Keys To Rome'', has been organized within the Imperial Fora Museum, Rome. Permanent collection has been integrated with a digital itinerary using computer graphics movies, natural interaction installations, multimedia supports and mobile applications. The evaluation of the audience feedback allowed us to study and justify some interaction choices and communication paradigms made so to enhance the user experience and enabling a fruitful discussion around virtual museums dissemination into cultural heritage environments. What came out is the need for technology to remain invisible and grant a cross-referencing visit path in a continuous parallelism between real objects and their digital copies.Item A Location-Based Augmented Reality System for the Spatial Interaction with Historical Datasets(IEEE, 2015) Pacheco, Daniel; Wierenga, Sytse; Omedas, Pedro; Knoch, Habbo; Billib, Stephanie; Wilbricht, Stefan; Verschure, Paul; Gabriele Guidi and Roberto Scopigno and Pere BrunetThe key role that space and spatial organization of content play in memory has been taken very little into account in the design of human-data interaction systems. Here, we present a location based Augmented Reality application for the exploration and visualization of historical files, which is based on the argument that the embodied interaction with content by moving in the real, physical space will enhance its recollection from memory and comprehension. Our software architecture integrates a historical 3D reconstruction with geo referenced historical documents, as well as specific guidance components for narrative generation. All content of the application database is spatialized and can be navigated in a completely free/exploratory mode or in a passive/guided mode. We present the results of an experiment comparing spatial memory performance in the two modes. Our data confirms previous findings in the spatial navigation literature, suggesting that active exploration of an environment leads to a better spatial understanding of it.Item Digital Panorama(IEEE, 2015) Borra, Davide; Gabriele Guidi and Roberto Scopigno and Pere BrunetIn 1787 it was Robert Barker to invent the term Panorama, still used to today all over the world to determine a large view, up until 360 degrees. His show has traveled European cities and the American new frontier, letting visitors enter into far painted cities or ancient history episodes. The Cinema Museum, in the movies archaeology section, digitally proposes the same experience. A small cylindrical cave houses the Digital Panorama, a semi-immersive environment, which creates visual and audio panoramas and back in time journeys into Turin cinema history. The visual-tactile interface design is of note because it has been designed to be equally available both by blind and seeing people, as for the Cinema Museum philosophy a museum for all. This paper illustrates the project critical points, the choices operated during the operating process and the interface reviews.Item Interactive Experiences in the Stedelijk Museum, A Living Lab Experiment with the CHESS Framework(IEEE, 2015) Vayanou, Maria; Katifori, Akrivi; Kourtis, Vassilis; Bomers, Erna; Jong, Niels de; Gabriele Guidi and Roberto Scopigno and Pere BrunetThis paper reports on a small-scale experiment conducted in the Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam (SMA), showcasing the effective use of CHESS research prototype for the creation and provision of personalized interactive museum experiences and highlighting the main results reached.Item High-Quality Point Based Rendering Using Fast Single Pass Interpolation(IEEE, 2015) Schütz, Markus; Wimmer, Michael; Gabriele Guidi and Roberto Scopigno and Pere BrunetWe present a method to improve the visual quality of point cloud renderings through a nearest-neighbor-like interpolation of points. This allows applications to render points at larger sizes in order to reduce holes, without reducing the readability of fine details due to occluding points. The implementation requires only few modifications to existing shaders, making it eligible to be integrated in software applications without major design changes.Item A Radicalized Phenomenological Transformation Of Greek/Unani Humoral Theory Into A Virtual Reality Based Game Engine(IEEE, 2015) Khan, Muqeem; Gabriele Guidi and Roberto Scopigno and Pere BrunetThis research primarily focusing on the continuity of production, survival and access related to indigenous methodologies through the use of virtual reality, serious gaming technologies and affordances. Specifically, the aim is to investigate Human Computer Interaction (HCI) strategies in the context of folklore medicines such as Greek/Unani medicinal system. The research aims at exploring the interpretative, subjective, and phenomenological analysis of the Greek/Unani medicinal system, entrenched in the Middle Eastern and sub continental regions. By articulating the relationships between traditional Unani and virtual reality-based diagnostic processes, the research challenge is to categorize the human personalities and associated temperaments in a responsive digital environment. Through 'Material Objects' and 'Complex Systems' design, the proposed prototype or research stimulus in the form of virtual reality based head-mounted display system aims at reinforcing the re-enactment of intangible heritage. It does this through revitalizing the dying art of traditional diagnosing methodology from the old Greek/Unani medicinal ideology. Drawing on theoretical discussion such as 'Design as a Propositional Activity' and 'Designed Experience', it is intended to fabricate and deploy a virtual reality based prototype inside the traditional Greek/Unani clinic for the evaluation of patients' personality and temperament.Item Innovative Systems for the Enjoyment of Pictorial Works - The Experience of Gallerie dell'Accademia Museum in Venice(IEEE, 2015) Pantile, Davide; Frasca, Roberto; Mazzeo, Antonio; Ventrella, Matteo; Verreschi, Giovanni; Gabriele Guidi and Roberto Scopigno and Pere BrunetThis paper will describe the multimedia solutions designed and developed by ETT s.p.a. ICT company for the set-up of a new wing of the Gallerie dell'Accademia Museum in Venice (Italy), reopened to the public with the contribution of Samsung in collaboration with Venetian Heritage Foundation. The new exhibition contains 46 works by various artists including Maffei, Tiepolo, Veronese and Hayez and others combined with digital totem, interactive display, Augmented Reality content, beacon sensors and a Smart Classroom to support didactic activities. The multimedia solutions designed for the Gallerie offer a new way to learn about art, offering visitors a variety of tools and opportunities to improve the involvement in the guided tour, a real multimedia journey through Venetian art of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries through detailed images of paintings, video content, 3D reconstructions of paintings and restoration procedures. The use of new technologies makes it possible to offer visitors personalized pathways of visit, adapted to different age groups and interests.Item Environment Map Based Lighting for Reflectance Transformation Images(IEEE, 2015) Ludwig, Michael; Meyer, Gary; Gabriele Guidi and Roberto Scopigno and Pere BrunetEnvironment map based lighting has proven to be an effective technique in simulations and real time rendering for adding realism and conveying complex illumination to the viewer. We present a novel algorithm for using environment maps to light and render polynomial texture maps. The technique is demonstrated with reflectance transformation images stored using both polynomial texture maps and hemispherical harmonics. The limitations of employing hemispherical harmonics in this context are discussed.Item Enabling Social Interaction in the Museum through the Social Display Environment(IEEE, 2015) Diaz, Paloma; Bellucci, Andrea; Aedo, Ignacio; Gabriele Guidi and Roberto Scopigno and Pere BrunetVisitors of museums and cultural heritage sites are not different from other types of citizens and, hence, they are getting more and more engaged into a participatory culture that encourages them to play an active role and not only acting as information consumers. In this paper we describe a technological platform that makes it possible to enable such proactive behavior by supporting social storytelling and interaction in the domain of cultural heritage sites. The platform development was inspired by a workshop run with cultural heritage professionals and students who identified social interaction as a key feature of an enhanced experience with cultural objects.Item The Digital ArchiMusic Patterns in Alhambra(IEEE, 2015) Elrawi, Osama; Gabriele Guidi and Roberto Scopigno and Pere BrunetThis paper is a part of an ongoing research project that is seeking to clarify the interrelationship between the architecture of the Alhambra and Andalusian music at that time. Despite that Alhambra was built long ago before the recent digital age, but it contains some phenomena's that points out to the relationship between 2D and 3D patterns and the type of music at that time. The term ''digital'' was never known at that time, but the basis of digital knowledge did exist, even if tools and equipment's did not. This research paper is seeking to clarify this theoretical basis that proves the interrelationship between architecture and music and to proof that both were stemming from one integrated cosmological source.Item Resolving the Conflict Between High Visual Quality and High Performance in Virtual Reality Applications Keys to Rome Project as Case Study(IEEE, 2015) Khalil, Mohamed; Omar, Karim; Oransa, Sameh; Gabriele Guidi and Roberto Scopigno and Pere BrunetThis paper aims to show how the 3D unit at the Center for Documentation of Cultural and Natural Heritage (CULTNAT) tackled the conflict between High visual quality and high performance in Virtual reality application by implementing a set of techniques in order to reach the highest performance and visual quality, Keys to Rome project as an example of this practice.The challenge was on two levels. The first level was optimizing the scanned museum objects making it look realistic and in the same time small in data size, level two was the 3D scene/location were the user will navigate.Item Sarcophagus of the Spouses Installation - Intersection Across Archaeology, 3D Video Mapping and Holographic Techniques Combined with Immersive Narrative Environments and Scenography(IEEE, 2015) Fischnaller, Franz; Guidazzoli, Antonella; Imboden, Silvano; Luca, Daniele De; Liguori, Maria Chiara; Russo, Alfonsina; Lucia, Maria Anna De; Cosentino, Rita; Gabriele Guidi and Roberto Scopigno and Pere BrunetThis paper presents the Sarcophagus of the Spouses installation, an audiovisual performance and exhibit combining 3D video mapping, holographic techniques, computer graphics, high definition visualization with 3D reconstruction and digital storytelling embedded in an immersive narrative environment and scenography. The installation is based on the Sarcophagus of the Spouses (Italian: Sarcofago degli Sposi), a terracotta Etruscan masterpiece of 1.14 m high by 1.9 m wide created around 520 BC depicting a married couple in their last hug, now located in the National Etruscan Museum of Villa Giulia, Rome.Item A Realistic Gamification Attempt for the Ancient Agora of Athens(IEEE, 2015) Kontogianni, Georgia; Georgopoulos, Andreas; Gabriele Guidi and Roberto Scopigno and Pere BrunetDigital technologies have affected significantly many fields of computer graphics such as Serious Games. These games are used for educational proposes in many scientific areas one of which is Digital Cultural Heritage. 3D textured models may be a useful tool for developing Serious Games in this field. In this paper a first attempt of creating a Serious Game for the Ancient Agora of Athens is presented. The scope of this game is to help people who are not experts such as school pupils, college students, tourists, museum visitors etc. to gain simple knowledge about the Agora and its monuments. Unity 3D software was used for the game development in which different kinds of realistic photogrammetric data were used. The scenario of the game includes virtual tours of the area in different eras and a simple quiz game. In this quiz game there are questions with three possible answers of which the user is expected to select the right one. In case of a correct answer the game continues to the next question. If the answer is wrong the user is presented with the correct answer and an explanation for his error. The game scenario will include more options in order to make the game more attractive for the player.Item VR Multiple Channel Authoring with Immersive Display(IEEE, 2015) Farouk, Mohamed; Ibrahim, Mohamed Ismail; Mustafa, Karam; Gabriele Guidi and Roberto Scopigno and Pere BrunetThe virtual reality and real time 3D technology in addition to many other display technologies are getting more and more into our life nowadays. The spread of smart portable devices is changing our style of life, day after day with very rapid advance in technology and capabilities. It is very common now to have VR application either for standalone U; desktop, Web, mobile apps, or even special immersive systems like cave, simulators etc. The usual practice especially for immersive display systems is that a separate application being developed for that specific platform. Accordingly, a lot of repeated work has to be done. In this paper we are going to illustrate our experience in the development of Virtual Reality applications, with the methodology of developing a single application for multiple platforms with slight modifications. Then a Unity 3D plug-in developed to convert any VR application developed using Unity 3D to our immersive display system Culturama, is presented.Item A Fulldome Interactive Visitor Experience - A Novel Approach to Delivering Interactive Virtual Heritage Experiences to Group Audiences in Full Dome Projection Spaces, Evaluated Through Spatial Awareness and Emotional Response(IEEE, 2015) Tredinnick, John; Richens, Paul; Gabriele Guidi and Roberto Scopigno and Pere BrunetThe National Trust is experimenting with the use of portable fulldome projection spaces as a means of engaging its visitors with virtual reality reconstructions of the cultural heritage it holds. To date dome technology has been used to successfully deliver non-interactive presentations to hundreds of visitors across three of its properties, however these have not made full use of the interactive elements of the game engine technology that is used to display the virtual scenes. We propose a possible approach to delivering multiplayer interactive experiences that are tailored for both the heritage audience and the fulldome medium. This is to be tested through a public engagement at Cheltenham Science Festival 2015.Item X-Top - An Interactive Exhibition for Building Experience with Mini-Components of Stone Pagoda(IEEE, 2015) Kang, Kyung-Kyu; Lee, Jihyung; Park, Chang Joon; Kim, Jae Woo; Lee, Man Hee; Gabriele Guidi and Roberto Scopigno and Pere BrunetStone pagodas are mysterious heritages about how to be built up and shaped stone components. X-Top is an interactive exhibition system to explore answering about the building method of a famous Korean stone pagoda. Previous digital heritage applications are difficult to give users tangible experiences. We propose an exhibition system(X-Top) to allow visitors to build up a pagoda with its miniature components. We exhibited the X-Top system on various exhibitions and can get positive feedback from visitors. Our project is still working on developing with many types of digital heritage applications.Item Development of a Low-Cost Application of Virtual Reality for the Promotion of Cultural Heritage(IEEE, 2015) Esclapés, Javier; Tejerina, Daniel; MartÃn, Alejandro; Fabregat, Laia; Gabriele Guidi and Roberto Scopigno and Pere BrunetThis paper shows the state of a research about cultural heritage whose main purpose is to allow the user to move virtually to any place of cultural or architectonic interest that, either for economic or accessibility reasons, is very difficult or impossible to visit.Item Travelling Through Space and Time in Lisbon's Religious Buildings(IEEE, 2015) Gouveia, João; Branco, Fernando; Rodrigues, Armanda; Correia, Nuno; Gabriele Guidi and Roberto Scopigno and Pere BrunetProject Lx Conventos aims to study, in a systematic and integrated manner, the impact of the dissolution of religious orders in the dynamics of urban transformation in nineteenth century Lisbon. After the liberal revolution and the civil war, in the 19th century, the dissolution of religious orders led to the alienation, in Lisbon, of nearly 130 religious buildings which were then given profane occupations (mainly public services) or demolished and divided in plots, originating new urban realities. Project Lx Conventos thus aims to show that the extinction of the convents was decisive in the urban development of Lisbon, in the eighteen hundreds. The project stands on a large set of multimedia data which includes historic and contemporary cartography and geo-referenced photos, videos and 3D models, provided by the projects partners, Lisbon Municipality and the Portuguese National Archive, Torre do Tombo. Supported by these materials, the project's team is creating an online system that will implement a spatial and temporal navigation of these resources integrated in an interactive Map of Lisbon. Besides spatially locating and analyzing the data available for each of the religious buildings considered in the project, the tool integrates cutting edge interaction technology for: 1) Enabling a temporal voyage over the available traces of religious buildings; 2) Analyzing the evolution of religious buildings and their surroundings, through available data; 3) Using 3D representations of the buildings for accessing related data, through time. In this paper, the tools developed in the context of Lx Conventos are described, as well as the technologies supporting them. The current status of the system is presented and future developments are proposed.Item Using a Gaming Software for Historical Road and Path Research(IEEE, 2015) Vletter, Willem; Gabriele Guidi and Roberto Scopigno and Pere BrunetIn this paper we present the potential of Unity, a widely available video game engine, for historical roads research. This case study makes use of roads and paths extracted from Airborne Laser Scan (ALS) data of the Leitha hills in Austria, together with a Digital Terain Model (DTM) based on the same ALS data. Adding a time component creates a 4-D model.Item A Virtual Reality Platform for the 3D Representation of Seokguram Temple(IEEE, 2015) Jinho, Park; Tufail, Muhammad; Jisoo, Kim; Gabriele Guidi and Roberto Scopigno and Pere BrunetIn this paper, a virtual reality platform for the 3D representation of Seokguram Temple is developed based on the Oculus Rift 2 platform with an AirTouch interaction. Seokguram Temple is an artificial cave and the most notable heritage site of South Korea. The 3D models of Seokguram Temple in a virtual environment are reconstructed by capturing the whole temple using the 3D scanning tools. The virtual reality platform is designed to create an in-depth sense of immersion in the virtual Seokguram Temple and allow an easy integration of 3D scenarios with head mounted displays. The proposed platform for the 3D representation of cultural heritage sites is capable of providing an efficient virtual reconstruction environment and an air touch experience in order to increase the realization of cultural heritage site experience.Item StoryTECH 4 EVER - Storytelling TECHnologies for European Values and hERitage(IEEE, 2015) Monaci, Sara; Morreale, Domenico; Cuniberti, Gianluca; Equizzi, Mariano; Sanna, Andrea; Gabriele Guidi and Roberto Scopigno and Pere BrunetThe aim of the project is to design and develop a system, a framework and a ''cultural heritage storytelling model'' to ease the exploitation of transmedia storytelling in the promotion of cultural heritage, through the reuse of European digital cultural assets. It will provide institutions and enterprises with a powerful environment to design and develop transmedia contents and to improve the promotion of their activities. A transmedia model will be applied in order to engage citizens and tourists in narrative experiences, online and in physical spaces (test sites will be equipped in Greece, Italy, Bulgaria), improving their knowledge of values deeply connected with European identity, such as work, social equality, natural resources exploitation. This objective is accomplished through the design of a fictional open and expandable narrative universe created through research and historical documentation. Alternate reality Games, Augmented Reality, Game App, Immersive cinematic and Virtual reality will be among the technologies applied in StoryTECH. A Semantic Reasoner will be designed and developed to improve the reuse of digital archives by a wider audience and to provide authoring support to transmedia storytelling of cultural heritage. StoryTECH will develop also an Animation Framework in order to ease the production of multimedia contents by small institutions and SME.Item User Experiences in Three Approaches to a Visit to a 3D Labyrinthe of Versailles(IEEE, 2015) Giloth, Copper; Tanant, Jonathan; Gabriele Guidi and Roberto Scopigno and Pere BrunetWe have completed a prototype app on our way to a fully 3D historically accurate virtual reality reconstruction of the lost Labyrinthe of Versailles. This app currently supports a variety of devices including desktop/laptop computers for the ''stationary'' experience, GPS- and gyroscopic-enabled iOS and Android smartphones and tablets for the ''augmented reality'' experience when in the gardens of Versailles, and the Oculus Rift headset for the ''immersive'' experience. Each device/experience places different demands on the user interface. We discuss here the pros, cons, and challenges of each.Item Leicester Castle Tells its Story: Beacon-based Mobile Interpretation for Historic Buildings(IEEE, 2015) Vavoula, Giasemi; Tseliou, Maria-Anna; Coleman, Sally; Ffoster-Jones, Rheinallt; Long, Paul; Simpson, Esther; Gabriele Guidi and Roberto Scopigno and Pere BrunetThis paper presents work-in-progress on the design and integration of Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) beacon-based mobile interpretation in historic buildings, and the ways in which it can impact the visitor experience. The session will discuss generic interpretation requirements as they emerged from visitor research, literature reviews, and consultation with stakeholders; map these requirements onto the beacon-based app developed by the Leicester Castle tells its story project; and present findings on the transformative potential of beacon-based interpretation on the ways visitors interact with historic buildings, engage with their stories, and learn.Item New Memory Spaces for Cultural History - Digital Heritage Games in a Augmented World(IEEE, 2015) Haake, Susanne; Müller, Wolfgang; Gabriele Guidi and Roberto Scopigno and Pere BrunetIn this contribution we explore the challenges and opportunities of innovative mobile historical experiences in the domain of commemorative culture. We present two prototypes conceptualized and implemented for a mobile experience in this field, one as an experiment to apply gamification concepts in this domain, the other one in the utilization of AR technologies. We present first findings on critical aspects and challenges discovered in the development of these prototypes.Item A MetaViewer for Sharing Multiple Media by WebGL-based Interfaces(IEEE, 2015) Bergerot, Laurent; Gabriele Guidi and Roberto Scopigno and Pere BrunetIn recent years, sharing images and videos on the Web has become common. Recently, the use of 3D models is also growing day by day, and the evolution of programming languages and libraries allow visualizing detailed 3D models and point clouds on the web. This opens new scenarios and possibilities for combining libraries, formats and contents (images, videos or 3D) within rich web layouts which can be visualized by multiple devices (PC, tablet, smartphone, ...). This current technological context represents a great opportunity for people involved the digital documentation of cultural heritage artifact, especially regarding the management of heterogeneous contents within digital libraries. In this paper we present the first results of an on-going development project aiming to develop a MetaViewer for sharing multiple media (images, videos and 3D) by the means of WebGL-based interfaces.