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VRIPHYS 2018 : 14th Workshop on Virtual Reality Interaction and Physical Simulation,
15 - 16 April 2018, Delft, The Netherlands
Technical Papers I
Quantitative Validation of Physically Based Deformable Models in Computer Graphics
Comparison of Mixed Linear Complementarity Problem Solvers for Multibody Simulations with
The Impact of Passive Head-Mounted Virtual Reality Devices on the Quality of EEG Signals
Technical Papers II
Laplacian Damping for Projective Dynamics
Fast Quadrangular Mass-Spring Systems using Red-Black Ordering
Technical Papers III
Real-Time Virtual Pipes Simulation and Modeling for Small-Scale Shallow Water
MLS Pressure Extrapolation for the Boundary Handling in Divergence-Free SPH
BibTeX (vriphys18)
@inproceedings{10.2312:vriphys.20181062,booktitle = {Workshop on Virtual Reality Interaction and Physical Simulation},editor = {Andrews, Sheldon and Erleben, Kenny and Jaillet, Fabrice and Zachmann, Gabriel}, title = {{Quantitative Validation of Physically Based Deformable Models in Computer Graphics}},author = {Banks, Matthew K.andHazel, Andrew L.andRiley, Graham D.}, year = {2018},publisher = {The Eurographics Association},ISBN = {978-3-03868-059-8},DOI = {10.2312/vriphys.20181062}}
@inproceedings{10.2312:vriphys.20181063,booktitle = {Workshop on Virtual Reality Interaction and Physical Simulation},editor = {Andrews, Sheldon and Erleben, Kenny and Jaillet, Fabrice and Zachmann, Gabriel}, title = {{Comparison of Mixed Linear Complementarity Problem Solvers for Multibody Simulations with Contact}},author = {Enzenhöfer, AndreasandAndrews, SheldonandTeichmann, MarekandKövecses, József}, year = {2018},publisher = {The Eurographics Association},ISBN = {978-3-03868-059-8},DOI = {10.2312/vriphys.20181063}}
@inproceedings{10.2312:vriphys.20181064,booktitle = {Workshop on Virtual Reality Interaction and Physical Simulation},editor = {Andrews, Sheldon and Erleben, Kenny and Jaillet, Fabrice and Zachmann, Gabriel}, title = {{The Impact of Passive Head-Mounted Virtual Reality Devices on the Quality of EEG Signals}},author = {Cattan, GrégoireandAndreev, AntonandMendoza, CesarandCongedo, Marco}, year = {2018},publisher = {The Eurographics Association},ISBN = {978-3-03868-059-8},DOI = {10.2312/vriphys.20181064}}
@inproceedings{10.2312:vriphys.20181065,booktitle = {Workshop on Virtual Reality Interaction and Physical Simulation},editor = {Andrews, Sheldon and Erleben, Kenny and Jaillet, Fabrice and Zachmann, Gabriel}, title = {{Laplacian Damping for Projective Dynamics}},author = {Li, JingandLiu, TiantianandKavan, Ladislav}, year = {2018},publisher = {The Eurographics Association},ISBN = {978-3-03868-059-8},DOI = {10.2312/vriphys.20181065}}
@inproceedings{10.2312:vriphys.20181066,booktitle = {Workshop on Virtual Reality Interaction and Physical Simulation},editor = {Andrews, Sheldon and Erleben, Kenny and Jaillet, Fabrice and Zachmann, Gabriel}, title = {{Fast Quadrangular Mass-Spring Systems using Red-Black Ordering}},author = {Pall, PontusandNylén, OskarandFratarcangeli, Marco}, year = {2018},publisher = {The Eurographics Association},ISBN = {978-3-03868-059-8},DOI = {10.2312/vriphys.20181066}}
@inproceedings{10.2312:vriphys.20181067,booktitle = {Workshop on Virtual Reality Interaction and Physical Simulation},editor = {Andrews, Sheldon and Erleben, Kenny and Jaillet, Fabrice and Zachmann, Gabriel}, title = {{Real-Time Virtual Pipes Simulation and Modeling for Small-Scale Shallow Water}},author = {Dagenais, FrancoisandGuzman, JuliánandVervondel, ValentinandHay, AlexanderandDelorme, SébastienandMould, DavidandPaquette, Eric}, year = {2018},publisher = {The Eurographics Association},ISBN = {978-3-03868-059-8},DOI = {10.2312/vriphys.20181067}}
@inproceedings{10.2312:vriphys.20181068,booktitle = {Workshop on Virtual Reality Interaction and Physical Simulation},editor = {Andrews, Sheldon and Erleben, Kenny and Jaillet, Fabrice and Zachmann, Gabriel}, title = {{MLS Pressure Extrapolation for the Boundary Handling in Divergence-Free SPH}},author = {Band, StefanandGissler, ChristophandPeer, AndreasandTeschner, Matthias}, year = {2018},publisher = {The Eurographics Association},ISBN = {978-3-03868-059-8},DOI = {10.2312/vriphys.20181068}}